
The present article proposes to investigate possible futures for the design through a proximal and dialogical ap- proach between design and democracy. In this way, we begin with the letter “Stand Up for Democracy”, written by Manzini and Margolin. Thus we seek to understand the foundations of the concept of Design as Democracy, pro- posed by the mentioned authors. We seek a relationship between the structures of democratic models and design practices. For these reasons, we have opened up a dialogue on codesign as a possible methodological alternative for a democratic design, more comprehensive, horizontal and open for all. Providing a fertile ground where collective creativity can be used as a form of collaboration and solving common problems is mirrored in design as democracy. For this resonates with the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable world for the future generation.

Key takeaways

  • From the relationship and articulation of these structures with the design we open a dialogue on codesign as a methodological alternative, for a design as democracy, so that it is more democratic, horizontal and open.
  • In this text, the authors emphasize that the development of democratic forms and processes has always involved design and must continue to do so, being a moment of construction of possible futures, through design, able to conceive, develop and connect new possibilities for democracy and well-being, resisting the growth of negative forces that have attacked democratic processes.
  • Mouffe (2005) proposes the idea of the agonistic model, based on the acceptance of dissent within the democratic process, a point that is opposed in the democratic model as we know it, would be a deliberative democracy.The democratic process of the deliberative type requires that the participants not only be free and equal, but also "reasonable", because democracy is understood as a system of social and political arrangements, capable of connecting the exercise of power to the free exercise of reason between equals.By "reasonable" it is understood that the participants in democracy seek to defend and criticize institutions and programs in terms of considerations that others, as free and equal, are right to accept, given the fact of reasonable pluralism.
  • The democratic process of codesign places the design within a set of actions involving the individual and society in order to find solutions to diverse problems.
  • With regard to democracy, the act of inclusion, even dissent, as part of the democratic process strengthens its structures and makes them more comprehensive.