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Report Writing : Coorporate and Small Business
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This paper discusses the concept of cooperatives, focusing specifically on the Dharma Wanita cooperative, which aims to enhance the welfare of its members by engaging in economic activities. It outlines the principles of cooperation, the history of the Dharma Wanita cooperative, and how profit-sharing mechanisms are implemented to benefit its members economically. The findings highlight the cooperative's role in empowering its members and fostering community development.
— Cooperatives in Indonesia are places of society's struggle in order to increase welfare, therefore Indonesia as an adherent country of welfare so it has been an obligation to support that struggle by making a set of rules on cooperative in order to be aimed more and as a guidance to achieve cooperative as a business enterprise that is aimed to make especially the members prosperous and generally the society. Understanding cooperatives is varied, it is known empirically that cooperative is a place to get advantages in the form of surplus (Sisa Hasil Usaha/ SHU) that will be given to the members in the end of book year, so this understanding leads to the concept as capitalist company in which the member of shareholder waits the result in the form of deviden in the end of the year, without hard effort in managing the company, and responsibility of a company that is very small because the aim is only at getting deviden. Concept of cooperative as business enterprise that collectivity and individuality have not reflected in regulation of law of cooperative in Indonesia, therefore through this study, the researcher wants to do reconception or rearrange conception or the way of people in seeing cooperative, especially concept that is stipulated in Article 1 Number 1 Law Number 25 Year 1992 regarding Cooperatives; it is mentioned that cooperative is a business enterprise that has members of individual or cooperative legal institution that the activity is based on the principles of cooperative and as society economics move based on kinship.
275,696 (76.32%) male and 8, 5546 (23.68 %) female members with a total capital of Birr 71,462,246.53. A report (2009) from Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo cooperative promotion and marketing development agency indicates that there are currently 22 multi-purposes, 2water users associations, 18 rural saving and credit cooperatives, one milk cooperative, two consumer cooperative and 3 mining cooperatives in Tselemti and 19 multi-purposes, 5water users associations, 19 rural saving and credit cooperatives, 5 consumer cooperative, one union multi purpose cooperative in Laelay-Adiyabo. The total number of members of MPCSs increased from 4445 in 2005 to 6604 in 2009 in Tselemti, and from 3987 in 2005 to 5034 in 2009 in Laelay-Adiyabo members of same years. In the year 2009 the proportion of female to total membership constitutes about 10.5 and 22 per cent for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively. According to Audit report of each woredas the total capital of MPCSs (2005) registered was 6,278,900 and 3,456,679 birr for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively. The capital of same MPCSs increased in the year 2009 to 8,852,908 and 5,952,599 birr for Tselemti and Laelay-Adiyabo respectively.
The 4th ELITE 2016 International Conference, 2016
The 4th ELITE 2016 International Conference Faculty of Educational Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta “Strengthening the Capacity of Research and Practices on English Linguistics, Literature and Education” Copyright © 2016 ISBN: 978-602-6804-08-2 Editors: Alek Fahriany Siti Nurul Azkiyah Ratna Sari Dewi Nida Husna Zaharil An’asy Desi Nahartini Neneng Sunengsih Yazid Hady Azkia Muharom Albantani Siti Fitriah Cover Design: Yazid Hady Published by: FITK PRESS Faculty of Educational Science (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no.95 Ciputat Timur, Tangerang Selatan Telepon/fax. (021) 7443328 Website: @2015
Mark J.O. Matabi, 2012
ABSTRACT Agriculture is a key sector to the Malawi’s economy. Smallholder farmers who contribute immensely to agriculture sector itself have been circumvented in the vicious cycle of poverty as they, individually, face various agricultural production and marketing challenges. In this, regard smallholder farmers across the country have been encouraged to embrace agribusiness through formation of agricultural cooperatives between various political and economic eras. Agricultural cooperatives in Malawi have long history beginning in mid-1940s, but it was not until 1990s that critical national strategies, policies and legislation, programmes and projects were initiated to support cooperatives development in the country. This has been exhibited by the increased number of agricultural cooperatives in the country to date. However, various national and international statistics and studies have shown alarming minimal contribution of Malawian cooperatives to private sector development; and specifically, of agricultural cooperatives to agricultural sector development. This is an indication of ‘dark and silent’ cooperatives development’s periods, agricultural cooperatives have in one way or the other have lived through. This study explores institutional and governance factors affecting agricultural cooperatives’ performance and eventual sustainability in Malawi, in respect to comparisons and contrasts of cooperatives principles, values, roles, problems and theoretical perspectives. Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in agricultural production and marketing. However, most of the smallholder agricultural cooperatives in Malawi are not performing this role as they are faced with weak capacity of cooperatives management and poor coordination of cooperative stakeholders; exacerbated by political, social and economic institutional weaknesses. Even though Malawian smallholder farmers in agricultural cooperatives have confidence in the cooperative model in improving their livelihoods, they are still disgruntled with their own poor performance and worried of the high probability of their un-sustainability. Specifically, agricultural cooperatives’ worsening performances depict that: cooperatives’ members have little control of management; investments are short-term; and accumulated investments are below the economic optimum. In essence, the relevance of cooperatives cannot be overemphasized in Malawi, but their full potentials have not been unlocked to necessitate their growth and vibrancy. In order for agricultural cooperatives in Malawi to improve their organizational and business performance and be sustainable; to enhance the ‘doing capacity’ among the cooperators, promoters and facilitators; to optimize the stakeholders ‘cooperative consciousness’; to rejuvenate fully the cooperative movement (having experienced almost a half century of darkness and/or silence), there need for turn-around strategies to address the governance and institutional problems identified. This study, therefore, makes three major recommendations in respect to strengthening the capacities of cooperators and stakeholders to: adherence to the cooperatives legal and regulatory framework; implementation and enforcement of the cooperative development policy and legal and regulatory framework; and review of cooperatives development policy and amendment/repeal of Cooperative Societies Act, 1998 and Cooperative Societies Regulations, 2002 in respect to ILO Recommendation 193, 2002. These recommendations are meant to: strengthen agricultural cooperatives’ internal and external legitimacy to support self-determination; to promote the leadership, vision, and goals as well as multiple bottom lines of cooperatives; to enhance the agricultural cooperatives’ organizational, financial, and business capacity; to enhance farmers active participation and committed involvement in cooperatives formation and operations; to communicate more broadly to the agricultural cooperatives’ stakeholders; and to strengthen agricultural cooperatives’ partnerships with community and other stakeholders. In this respect, transformation of cooperatives from conventional forms to non-congenial structures and systems of cooperatives that would encourage: proportionate patronage to investment; appreciable and transferable share values; and allowance of non-patron equity participation. Significantly, the study is to help cooperatives’ promoters, policy makers, legal and regulatory institutions, academicians and the cooperators in general to; understand institutional and governance issues related to cooperatives’ philosophy, values and principles; make use of or build upon as they find helpful; to present ideas for the strategic guidance of cooperatives development – the ideas based on reflection about experience and practice within cooperatives, as well as cooperative theory, relevant to contemporary discussions of cooperative strategies; understand cooperative related policy and legal and regulatory frameworks that need redress; and, coordinate efforts to improve cooperatives’ performances and eventual sustainability. Key Words: Cooperatives, agriculture, farmer, governance, institutions, new institutional economics theory, policy, legal and regulatory framework, performance, sustainability, Malawi.
Cooperatives: Principles and practices
3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION IN MUSLIMS SOCIETY (ICEMS) Jakarta, October 25-27, 2017 INTRODUCTION The 3rd International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2017 is designed not only to discuss, but also to offer recommendations for both the governments and educational intitutions to improve the quality of education. It is held by the Faculty of Education of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia; in collaboration with University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia and Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) – University of South Australia (UNISA), Australia. The 3rd ICEMS 2017 is intended to provide an opportunity for various stakeholders of education, especially in Muslim society around the world to share their works, opinions and experiences in an open academic forum. The theme of this year’s conference is “Education in the 21st Century: Knowledge, Professionalism, and Values.” The theme attempts to reflect various aspects of both thoughts and research findings related to education in Muslim societies, ranging from curriculum, research and development, new pedagogy and andragogy, values and character building, leadership and management, to classroom action research. Education in the 21st century is facing new challenges and opportunities that need to be explored, discussed, and anticipated. Educators around the world are currently preparing their schools and classrooms to prepare their students to live in changing and complex societies. Interaction and relationship among people is changing like ever before thanks to the development of information technology and sciences. In order to be able to help students living in a future world, universities, especially teachers education, need to prepare prospective teachers with knowledge, professionalism, and values. This conference is also expected to provide an invaluable opportunity for networking among international participants both individually and institutionally. OBJECTIVES Providing researchers, scholars, practitioners, and students with an international academic forum for exchanging ideas, point of views, and critical reviews. Discussing and generating approriate paradigm for a better education to form new academia. Disseminating research results, discoveries, and currents issues regarding quality and afforable education in the 21st century. Providing participants with networking opportunities to enhance and expand their research, publication, and partnership. Chief Editor: Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, Ph.D Editor: Muhammad Zuhdi, Ph.D Dr. Sita Ratnaningsih, M.Pd Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M. Pd Dr. Fahriany, M. Pd Meiry Fadilah Noor, M.Si Reviewer : Dwi Nanto, Ph.D Dr. Tita Khalis Maryati, M. Kom, Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D Salamah Agung, Ph.D Munas Priyanto Ramli, Ph.D Assistant Editor: Dr. Azkia Muharom Albantani, M.Pd.I Yazid Hady, S. Pd.I Fatkhul Arifin, M.Pd Dewi Listia Apriliyanti, S.Pd
Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2019
Indonesia Cooperative is believed as the most appropriate institution in increasing the welfare of its members and the society, and also participating to build the national economic in order to create the advanced society, fair, and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In proving, the purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Indonesia cooperative existence to the welfare of its members. The method of analysis is the data panel regression, where cross section data covers all provinces in Indonesia, and time series data during 2010-2015. The result shows that the main factors that have effect to the members' welfare are number of members, number of managers, self-capital, and business volume. The variables that have no significant effect to the members' welfare are numbers of cooperatives, the annual member meeting (AMM), number of employees, outside capital, and macro economy variable in regional level. Economic growth and outside capital variables have indirect effect to the members' welfare through volume of cooperative business.
In order to foster the competitiveness of the food supply chain, the European Commission is committed to promote and facilitate the restructuring and consolidation of the agricultural sector by encouraging the creation of voluntary agricultural producer organisations. To support the policy making process DG Agriculture and Rural Development has launched a large study, "Support for Farmers' Cooperatives (SFC)", that provides insights on successful cooperatives and producer organisations as well as on effective support measures for these organisations. These insights can be used by farmers themselves, in setting up and strengthening their collective organisation, and by the European Commission in its effort to encourage the creation of agricultural producer organisations in the EU.
This study was conducted to investigate the factors that affect business profit (profit) cooperative in Indonesia. The sample used are all cooperatives in all provinces in Indonesia in 2000-2015. The dependent variable is business profit, while the independent variables are equity, outside capital, total assets, Total Members and business volume. The research used multiple linear regression analysis approach. The results showed the factors that determine cooperatives business profitis their equity, business volume and Total Members.On the other hand, outside capital and total assets have no significant effect.
The background of this research is the desire to make Cooperative as the Indonesian Economy Piillar yet the goal has not been achieved. On the other hand the majority of Indonesian people are Islam who have the obligation to run the sharia completely and perfectly. In Islamic business which is guided by Tawheed and by applying the Islamic economic value that upholds the value of brotherhood, honesty, mutual trust, reject usury, and justice is the basic sharia that must be run for the ummah.Therefore, the board, supervisors, executors, and members of the cooperative are expected to implement the guidelines to create and increase the true welfare, namely happiness and peace of mind.The research by SEM-PLS method concluded that the test result to get empirical evidence with internal, external, and religiosity variables in cooperative management and performance at Headquarter of Navy Detachment Primary Cooperative, Jakarta give the positive impact for cooperative development on sharia concept.The recommendations that writer can disclose is the need for seriousness in managing cooperatives, whole in strategy, structure, system, commitment, and capital for the welfare of the members. Furthermore it can help the worship more beneficial by implementing concept of sharia which is blessed by Allah SWT
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Copyright© 2009 Knowledge Impact in Society All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Editing: D & S Editing (Neil Soiseth), 2009
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 2017