Silifke Kalesi 2016-2017 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları

2019, Akdeniz Üniversitesi


Cleaning, excavation, temporary protection and strengthening works were carried out in the Seleucia Castle excavation works of the year 2016 - 2017. Excavations began in 2016 following the stone clearing in the area and excavation continued in these areas in 2017. Locations to west of The Castle, places A-5/21 and A5/23 numbered, 11, 14 to 33 numbered “A-16 North of The Military Space” , 1-12 numbered A-14 Donjon’s North-East to the east-west direction, East of Mosque 37-50 numbered., West of Mosque B10 - 22 numbered., The plan of place was figured out by excavating places 1-2 meters of South of Mosque The 13-16 numbered points, the 1st Way was opened at East of Mosque and the in the interior place of A-13 Donjon was excavated so the function of the donjon has become clear. After the cleaning at lab, repairing and inventorying operations of the materials found during the excavation, drawing and photographing were completed, the workable and inventory items were saved and stored. In addition, at the end of the 2016 excavation period, within temporary security precaution; A-8, A-7 places and A-6, A-17 donjon and the No. 4 cistern (its north and adjacent to the mosque) were also reinforced by using wood and protection provided by doing mortarless wall braid.