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2008, Orientation
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Task: professional orientation, for children and young orphans - finding born talent and offering conditions for orientation and development in adaptability to their born talent. (so the main objective of the project will be empowering and enhancing the born talents and genetically transmitted talents into Orphans). Method: Professionals from all of the fields will be also workers (while they hold their ordinary daily job) into the project of *Orientation* that professional personnel will be paid by the hours spent. Children's capacities and talents will be researched through Psychological Games and other similar practical activities, but the young and the already mature people will be researched by ordinary research methods, with practical works, and through computer-based analysis, we will find the most original naturally born talents inside of them. All of these researches will be done in the most professional method.
Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacja Nr 2/2012
The orientation of a contemporary society towards a global career creates the need of rebuilding the frames of human activity and innovation. The most important is active participation and cooperation in a reality undergoing a permanent change. Conceptualization of quality new apprehension of career issues as an individual’s possession indicates a many-sided character of a contemporary discourse, which combines implications of an interdisciplinary dialogue and creates the need to review theoretical reflection about the way of understanding career and conditions, as well as indicators of its formation and construction. The „prodevelopmental orientation” is a remedy for a contemporary human being to be oneself again in this situation in the world of careers. In this attitude towards the definition of „a career”, one underlines importance of constructing (not choosing) a career for designing a quality of life.
IJOHMN (International Journal Online of Humanities), 2019
The nature of children’s development is greatly influenced by the environmental conditions in which they are brought up. The amount of social stimulation which they receive is of particular importance, and even if physical conditions are adequate, an unstimulating environment which provides with little opportunity or need to experiment or solve problems will result in low level of achievement. Perhaps the most important aspect of the child’s social development is beyond the reach of the teacher. For the first very important aspect of the child’s development lies in the home. Genetic endowment and cultural level of the family, coupled with the actual physical conditions of the home will have decisive effect on the child’s development and will continue to influence him throughout his school life. These factors are inaccessible to be influenced by the teacher but it is as well for him to have them in mind in his dealings with pupils. In addition, he will need to know how he may most ef...
Journal of physical education and sport, 2011
The school, after the family, is found to be the first educational agency to accommodate the children in developmental age. .The main purpose is the full and harmonious development of personality of the children for their overall education. We chose to implement a project on the body, because we believe that the body is the privileged tool to explore, learn and interact with the environment, and other items. The body is an expression of personality and is a condition relational, communicative, expressive and operational. Each child's experience (both cognitive, sensory, emotional) through the experience of the body, so you should appreciate every situation that will see the protagonist and create contexts in which to build significant and diverse paths. It 'important to establish a positive environment stimulating and emotionally, the availability of structured materials and not allowing the trial, allowing time to live in that context, depending on how you feel and at your ...
Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies
The researcher saw the management of talent development and interest in students of the Islamic Boarding School An Najah Purwokerto very representative for review. Good management has touched the development of students' talents and interests. The management can be seen from the existence of the Student Santri Organization (Osma) which is included in the education curriculum of Pesma An Najah Purwokerto. Through Osma, students are directed to develop their talents and interests. The aim is to shape the mentality of students who are competitive by being able to show their skills or talents of interest when they are involved in society. Santri is expected not only to wrestle in the world of religion but also in other aspects of life. Pesma An-Najah Purwokerto is unique compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the Banyumas area. An-Najah Pesma has a diverse student body of student organizations compared to other pesantren. There are several santri organizations that other pesa...
The concept of the professional orientation means to care and help for the young person in deciding about the professional orientation in which he or she will develop considerably his/her working capabilities while a complete rationalization in the creating and expressing of the personality will be achieved. It is known that while the choice is made, which is important for the whole life there is a many factors that influence the person. Reaching the decision is especially difficult for the eight -graders, because they are in the period of developing in which the exterior factors have a major influence while they are making their decision about their future job (work).
The establishment of a good atmosphere in class is achieved through the interconnection of subjects and creative activities with children, which affects the motivation and development of the key learning competences, in order for them to better understand the world around them. Therefore, the cooperation between institutions makes the planning and accomplishment of the student educators’ practice possible, allowing them to become aware of their work with children during their studies. The analysis of the students’ work remains an important process during the receiving of theoretical information. It is also important in the accomplishment of their practice in preschool institutions and pre-primary classes within schools in order to motivate the children to learn. This study emphasizes the work of student educators in the following two courses: (1) Theory of Learning Through Practice and (2) Pedagogical Practice for the planning and realization of different activities in cooperation w...
Psychological accompaniment of personality development: collective monograph , 2019
The researcher of children's creativity E.V.Subotskyi stated that “the creative, intellectual and moral capabilities of a child are inexhaustible. It is unlikely that today they are used for one hundredth part. To reveal and realize them is an incredibly difficult task. In other words, we live above the deposits of precious “minerals” of the psychics, most often not even suspecting them” . It is important to find out the “personal code” of each child and select the “keys” to the development of his or her talents precisely during their formation. The raised problem of identifying the abilities of children in pre-school age and providing favourable conditions for personal formation, creative self-realization of a child, the formation of an active-cognitive, creative attitude to the real world in a pre-schooler, the ability to orientate successfully in a wide variety of objects and phenomena, arming with methods of creative cognitive activity can be solved by analysing effective diagnostic tools and activating creative abilities at the childhood stage. The decisive step in solving the tasks set may be the construction of a theoretical and structural model of the development of capabilities, which takes into account the integrative, multidimensional structure of capabilities and the laws of their ontogenesis, which are manifested in the individual characteristics of the course of mental processes and personality formations in certain types of activities. The model is a guideline for determining the criteria for assessing the development of various types of capabilities, their growth vector in the developing space conditions.
Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 2020
Introduction. The important resource for the modern education realization focused on creativity is introducing students to project activities, whose organization makes special demands on the training of teachers. Under these conditions the necessity in a future teacher-artist preparation to a project activity in the visual and decorative arts is increasing. The result of such preparation should be a student’s preparedness for organizing project activities as a special competence of the future teacher-artist, which will ensure his orientation towards introducing students to the creation of the project and actualizes the willingness to be the organizer of the project activity. Materials and methods. The completed multidirectional projects and modern models for monitoring readiness for project activities were the material for the study. The methods of learned treatise and university experience of the formation of the readiness of the future teacher-artist to organize project activities for artistic creation study are used. Results. A theoretical model of the formation in the modern pedagogical institution the readiness of the future teacher-artist for organizing project activities in the visual and decorative arts is developed. The features of the stages of implementation of the model (preparatory, procedural and substantive, design and technological, final) are revealed. The features of monitoring the formation of aspects of the studied competency (motivational, transformative, artistic and pedagogical) and the procedures used in this process are characterized. Conclusions. The scientific and methodological products created during the research (the model of the readiness of the future teacher-artist for organizing project activities, the assessment and control procedures for monitoring the special competence formed at the university) enrich modern didactics and methods of higher education with new ideas and approaches to their solving. New perspectives of the problem (correlation of pedagogical and artistic aspects of readiness for organizing project activities, monitoring capabilities to identify emerging competencies taking into account its constant transformation as they develop) can become an advanced research direction.
This document proposes the preject approach as one element of ear11-childhood education that can function in a complementary relationship to other aspects of the early childhood curriculum. The term "project" is defined as an extended investigation of a topic that is of interest to participating children and judged worthy of attention by their teachers. Projects involve the application of a variety of intellectual, academic, and social skills and competencies. The project approach builds self-confidence, encourages creativity and other dispositions, and offers opportunities for children and parents to work closely togethcr in support of the school program. The theoretical rationale for the project approach is based both on a specific view of the main goals of education and on a developmental approach to implementing those goals. The goals are: (1) the construction and acquisition of worthwhile knowledge; (2) the development of a wide variety of basic intellectual and social skills; (3) the strengthening of desirable dispositions; and (4) the engendering of positive feelings in children about theinselves as learners and as participants in group endeavors. Each of these goals is defined, and the principles of practice they imply are then discussed in terms of what is understood about young children's development and learning. Guidelines for implementing project work are provided and a model of a specific project is presented. (SH)
Turkish Journal of Giftedness and Education, 2015
Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2019
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 2020
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation , 2020
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education
Különleges Bánásmód - Interdiszciplináris folyóirat
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2024
Ilomata International Journal of Social Science
Childhood, 2011
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2013
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
European journal of education and pedagogy, 2023
Journal Plus Education, 2014
Introduction to Gifted Education
Journal of curriculum and teaching, 2022