Accretion of perfect fluids onto a class of regular black holes

2020, Annals of Physics

We consider the stationary spherical accretion process of perfect fluids onto a class of spherically symmetric regular black holes corresponding to quantum-corrected Schwarzschild spacetimes. We show that the accretion rates can differ from the Schwarzschild case, suggesting that the de Sitter core inside these regular black holes, which indeed precludes the central singularity, can act for some cases as a sort of antigravitational source, decreasing the fluid's radial infall velocity in the accretion process, and for others as a gravitational enhancer, increasing the fluid flow into the black hole horizon. Our analysis and results can be extended and applied also to the problem of black hole evaporation in cosmological scenarios with phantom fluids. In particular, we show that the mass of typical regular black holes could be used to constrain turnaround events in cyclic cosmologies.