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2020, Annals of Physics…
9 pages
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We consider the stationary spherical accretion process of perfect fluids onto a class of spherically symmetric regular black holes corresponding to quantum-corrected Schwarzschild spacetimes. We show that the accretion rates can differ from the Schwarzschild case, suggesting that the de Sitter core inside these regular black holes, which indeed precludes the central singularity, can act for some cases as a sort of antigravitational source, decreasing the fluid's radial infall velocity in the accretion process, and for others as a gravitational enhancer, increasing the fluid flow into the black hole horizon. Our analysis and results can be extended and applied also to the problem of black hole evaporation in cosmological scenarios with phantom fluids. In particular, we show that the mass of typical regular black holes could be used to constrain turnaround events in cyclic cosmologies.
We show that a single imperfect fluid can be used as a source to obtain the generalized McVittie metric as an exact solution to Einstein's equations. The mass parameter in this metric varies with time thanks to a mechanism based on the presence of a temperature gradient. This fully dynamical solution is interpreted as an accreting black hole in an expanding universe if the metric asymptotes to Schwarzschild-de Sitter at temporal infinity. We present a simple but instructive example for the mass function and briefly discuss the structure of the apparent horizons and the past singularity.
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2013
We study perfect fluid accretion by the interior of a black hole in conformal gravity. We formulate the equation of motion for the accretion process by using energy conservation, Bernoulli equation and mass flux conservation equation. The accretion of perfect fluid (satisfying null energy condition) results the increase of black hole mass. The conditions for critical accretion are also investigated. There exist two critical points that lie in the exterior of horizons.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015
We analyze the steady radial accretion of matter into a nonrotating black hole. Neglecting the selfgravity of the accreting matter, we consider a rather general class of static, spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat background spacetimes with a regular horizon. In addition to the Schwarzschild metric, this class contains certain deformation of it which could arise in alternative gravity theories or from solutions of the classical Einstein equations in the presence of external matter fields. Modeling the ambient matter surrounding the black hole by a relativistic perfect fluid, we reformulate the accretion problem as a dynamical system, and under rather general assumptions on the fluid equation of state, we determine the local and global qualitative behavior of its phase flow. Based on our analysis and generalizing previous work by Michel, we prove that for any given positive particle density number at infinity, there exists a unique radial, steady-state accretion flow which is regular at the horizon. We determine the physical parameters of the flow, including its accretion and compression rates, and discuss their dependency on the background metric.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2000
The hydrodynamical structure of perfect fluid orbiting Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes is investigated for configurations with uniform distribution of angular momentum density. It is shown that in the black-hole backgrounds admitting the existence of stable circular geodesics, closed equipotential surfaces with a cusp, allowing the existence of toroidal accretion disks, can exist. Two surfaces with a cusp exist for the
General Relativity and Gravitation 44(4), 985-992, 2012
We address the spherical accretion of generic fluids onto black holes. We show that, if the black hole metric satisfies certain conditions, in the presence of a test fluid it is possible to derive a fully relativistic prescription for the black hole mass variation. Although the resulting equation may seem obvious due to a form of it appearing as a step in the derivation of the Schwarzschild metric, this geometrical argument is necessary to fix the added degree of freedom one gets for allowing the mass to vary with time. This result has applications on cosmological accretion models and provides a derivation from first principles to serve as a base to the accretion equations already in use in the literature.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2007
We calculate the quantum radiation power of black holes which are asymptotic to the Einsteinde Sitter universe at spatial and null infinities. We consider two limiting mass accretion scenarios, no accretion and significant accretion. We find that the radiation power strongly depends on not only the asymptotic condition but also the mass accretion scenario. For the no accretion case, we consider the Einstein-Straus solution, where a black hole of constant mass resides in the dust Friedmann universe. We find negative cosmological correction besides the expected redshift factor. This is given in terms of the cubic root of ratio in size of the black hole to the cosmological horizon, so that it is currently of order 10 −5 (M/10 6 M⊙) 1/3 (t/14 Gyr) −1/3 but could have been significant at the formation epoch of primordial black holes. Due to the cosmological effects, this black hole has not settled down to an equilibrium state. This cosmological correction may be interpreted in an analogy with the radiation from a moving mirror in a flat spacetime. For the significant accretion case, we consider the Sultana-Dyer solution, where a black hole tends to increase its mass in proportion to the cosmological scale factor. In this model, we find that the radiation power is apparently the same as the Hawking radiation from the Schwarzschild black hole of which mass is that of the growing mass at each moment. Hence, the energy loss rate decreases and tends to vanish as time proceeds. Consequently, the energy loss due to evaporation is insignificant compared to huge mass accretion onto the black hole. Based on this model, we propose a definition of quasi-equilibrium temperature for general conformal stationary black holes.
The European Physical Journal C
We investigate the accretion of test fluids onto regular black holes such as Kehagias-Sfetsos black holes and regular black holes with Dagum distribution function. We analyze the accretion process when different test fluids are falling onto these regular black holes. The accreting fluid is being classified through the equation of state according to the features of regular black holes. The behavior of fluid flow and the existence of sonic points is being checked for these regular black holes. It is noted that the three-velocity depends on critical points and the equation of state parameter on phase space.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2005
We demonstrate that a spherical accretion onto astrophysical black holes, under the influence of Newtonian or various post-Newtonian pseudo-Schwarzschild gravitational potentials, may constitute a concrete example of classical analogue gravity naturally found in the Universe. We analytically calculate the corresponding analogue Hawking temperature as a function of the minimum number of physical parameters governing the accretion flow. We study both the polytropic and the isothermal accretion. We show that unlike in a general relativistic spherical accretion, analogue white hole solutions can never be obtained in such post-Newtonian systems. We also show that an isothermal spherical accretion is a remarkably simple example in which the only one information-the temperature of the fluid, is sufficient to completely describe an analogue gravity system. For both types of accretion, the analogue Hawking temperature may become higher than the usual Hawking temperature. However, the analogue Hawking temperature for accreting astrophysical black holes is considerably lower compared with the temperature of the accreting fluid.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015
We have constructed a spherically symmetric structure model in a cosmological background filled with perfect fluid with non-vanishing pressure and studied its quasi-local characteristics. This is done by using the Lemaître solution of the Einstein equations and suggesting an algorithm to integrate it numerically. The result shows intriguing effects of the pressure inside the structure. The evolution of the central black hole within the FRW universe, its decoupling from the expanding parts of the model, the structure of its space-like apparent horizon, the limiting case of the dynamical horizon tending to a slowly evolving horizon, and the decreasing mass in-fall to the black hole is also studied. The quasi-local features of this cosmological black hole may not be inferred from the weak field approximation although the gravity outside the structure is very weak.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2006
The most entropic fluid can be related to a dense gas of black holes that we use to study the beginning of the universe. We encounter difficulties to compatibilize an adiabatic expansion with the growing area for the coalescence of black holes. This problem may be circumvented for a quantum black hole fluid, whose classical counterpart can be described by a percolating process at the critical point. This classical regime might be related to the energy content of the current universe.
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