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2014, Catalan Journal of Linguistics
On the one hand, phraseology has sorted out how to describe Phraseological meaning from a synchronic perspective. On the other, cognitive diachronic linguistics has thoroughly described the process of semantic change and the mechanisms leading to it, but mostly focusing on grammaticalization. The aim of the present paper is to bring together these two perspectives in order to account for the existence of Phraseological Units, i.e. the emergence of Phraseological Meaning. This integration of perspectives will require a well defined theoretical framework. First of all, we will establish the definition of PhU and the scope of Phraseological meaning. Then, we will compare grammaticalization to phraseologization process. In this comparison, we will pay special attention to the new role assigned to inference as a mechanism leading to semantic change. Finally, we will apply the developed theoretical framework to an actual PhU: al peu de la lletra. Resum. La fraseologització com a procés de canvi semàntic Per una part, la fraseologia ha aconseguit definir el significat fraseològic des d'una perspectiva sincrònica. Per l'altra, la lingüística cognitiva diacrònica ha descrit el procés de canvi semàntic i els mecanismes que el provoquen, però centrant-se sobretot en el procés de gramaticalització. L'objectiu del present article és conjugar aquestes dues perspectives a fi de retre compte de l'aparició d'Unitats Fraseològiques, és a dir, el sorgiment del significat fraseològic. La integració d'aquestes perspectives requerirà un marc teòric ben definit. En primer lloc, establirem la defini-ció d'unitat fraseològica i l'abast del significat fraseològic. Després, compararem els processos de gramaticalització i de fraseologització. En aquesta comparació, pararem especial atenció al nou paper que s'ha assignat a la inferència com a mecanisme provocador del canvi semàntic. Finalment, aplicarem el marc teòric desenvolupat a una unitat fraseològica real: al peu de la
On the one hand, phraseology has sorted out how to describe Phraseological meaning from a synchronic perspective. On the other, cognitive diachronic linguistics has thoroughly described the process of semantic change and the mechanisms leading to it, but mostly focusing on grammaticalization. The aim of the present paper is to bring together these two perspectives in order to account for the existence of Phraseological Units, i.e. the emergence of Phraseological Meaning. This integration of perspectives will require a well defined theoretical framework. First of all, we will establish the definition of PhU and the scope of Phraseological meaning. Then, we will compare grammaticalization to phraseologization process. In this comparison, we will pay special attention to the new role assigned to inference as a mechanism leading to semantic change. Finally, we will apply the developed theoretical framework to an actual PhU: al peu de la lletra.Per una part, la fraseologia ha aconseguit ...
Islas (Cuba), 2022
Introduction: For phraseological studies, the relationship between fixedness and variation is an essential one, given the need of updating some concepts after the epistemological shift of the grammatical theories which, for the first time, include phrasemes in their object of study. This article deals with the dichotomy opposing a unit (element selected in a paradigm available) and a construction (combination of available units). Methods: The paper approaches the relationship between constructions and units in Spanish phraseology from the different views of: the Lexique-Grammaire school, Cognitive Grammar and the Grammar of Constructions. It starts with a review of the criteria of inclusion and exclusion, as well as the structural systemic analysis of a series of phraseological patterns for these trends, and then analyzes these theoretical considerations in a group of phraseological units.
Organon, 2004
RESUMO: The linguistic studies in Ancient Greek and Roman traditions were concerned about the meaning and gave priority to elaborate the theory of "Parts of Speech"-morphology was the principal concerns of linguistic studies until the 18 th century. In the 19 th century, the phonological facts (sound change) began to receive attentions in linguistic studies. In the beginning of Generative Grammar, there was no autonomous component for the lexicon, which was conceived simply as a list of lexical formatives, but in later theories it is considered as a component of complex internal structures. In this perspective, word formation processes (derivation, inflection, compounding, etc.) have motivated different hypotheses: Transformational Hypothesis, Weak Lexicalist Hypothesis and Strong Lexicalist Hypothesis. The objective of this study is to show the status of morphology in linguistic traditions and its status in linguistic studies.
Alfa : Revista de Linguística (São José do Rio Preto), 2016
RESUMO Este artigo apresenta, discute e exemplifica os rumos da pesquisa funcionalista em sua orientação mais recente, no diálogo com os estudos cognitivistas. Fruto dessa interrelação, destaca-se a abordagem construcional da gramática, na ênfase do pareamento função x forma que marca as expressões linguísticas. Além de apontar os ganhos teórico-metodológicos que tal diálogo tem trazido no âmbito do Funcionalismo, o artigo faz referência também às especificidades de ambas as vertentes teóricas e aos ajustes necessários a fim de que possam ser desenvolvidas pesquisas nessa interface. O tratamento da gramática em perspectiva holística e o rigor na detecção de propriedades de sentido e estrutura que marcam os usos linguísticos são considerados vieses positivos e promissores da pesquisa funcionalista de abordagem construcional.
Reunimos, aqui no Porto, as pessoas que em Portugal estão nessa "onda", rodeando-a de alguns nomes que são autoridade nessa área. Quis dizer aos Colegas de Psicologia, de Filosofia, de Sociologia, de Ailtropologia (os estereótipos começaram aí), o que estamos a fazer num domínio próximo ao deles. Isto é um começo. '' [ADESSE LOCIOI [ ] n, LOCP1 ] ti & [ADESSE LOCIO1 [ ] n, LOCP 2 ] ti + k& [ADESSE LOCIOI [ ] n, LOCP 3 ] ti +I." in which the representation of an entity E, placed at three different places LOCP1, LOCP2, LOCP3 at three different sequential moments ti, ti + k and ti + 1 is clearly pictured. As far as our corpw analysis is concerned, the only problem resides on the fact that it is too schematic, since it could represent the whole of the above mentioned examples but it could also illustrate any other sentences with different verbs and different prepositions. " Tlze Iberian lang~tuges present aizother type of polysenzy thnt is relutecl eitlzer to the spatial insertion of a s~lrface or to tlze sputinl insertioiz of tlze interior o f mz area or volurne, using the sarne preposition en/em " (our translation). Furthermore, in our opinion, the use of em in sentences is ambiguous since it establishes a space insertion of the trajectos within a bounded landmark, but not necessarily an enclosed one7. 011 focusing on the lexicalization patterns, on the one hand, we are struck by the fact that the lexical item passear is not as specific as wandern because, as widely proven by Almeida (1995), the Portuguese language, differently from the German, must not necessarily lexicalize specific action, adopting frequently a generic perspectivization. On the other I-iand, it stands out that andar de carro is conceived as a complex lexicalization pattem, different fi-om the German that lexicalizes it exclusively at verbal level in fahretz. 9 Cienki (1997:6) " A properly common to almost a11 iinage scheinas is that they can be realized i11 eitlier a static or a dyilamic fashion." projet profite du soutien financier de la Fédération de Recherche Allemande (DFG).
Resumen Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de un proyecto de extracción de relaciones léxico-semánticas a partir del análisis de un diccionario monolingüe, y se centra en las relaciones existentes entre las palabras derivadas y sus raíces. En el estudio se incluyen tres sufijos con una sola interpretación y otros 3 sufijos con más de una interpretación.
Estudos da Língua(gem) - 1982-0534, v. 7, n. 2, 2009
ABSTRACT This study investigates the acquisition of [±perfective] aspect in L2 Portuguese via knowledge of the [± accidental] distinction that obtains between the Preterit and Imperfect in adverbially quantified sentences (LENCI; BERTINETTO, 2000; MENÉNDEZ-BENITO, 2002). Crucially, we show that intermediate L2 learners demonstrate phrasal semantic knowledge that we argue is accessed via the acquisition of new L2 features. As a result, we contend that the data support theories of adult UG-continuity (DUFFIELD; WHITE, 1999; SCHWARTZ; SPROUSE, 1996) and provide evidence in contra so-called Failed Features accounts of SLA (BECK, 1998; HAWKINS; CHAN, 1997). Furthermore, we discuss these data in light of probabilistic approaches to SLA, which interpret errors in morphological use at this level as evidence of underlying deficits in L2 mental representations. With others, we argue that morphological performance alone is neither a direct nor an exact measure of linguistic competence (PRÉVOST; WHITE, 2000; LARDIERE, 1998, 2006). RESUMO Esse estudo investiga a aquisição do aspecto [±perfeito] em português L2, mediante conhecimento da distinção [± acidental] que ocorre entre o pretérito perfeito e imperfeito em frases com quantificação adverbial (LENCI; BERTINETTO, 2000; MENÉNDEZ-BENITO, 2002). Mostramos que os aprendizes L2 intermediários demonstram conhecimento da semântica sintagmática, que conforme argumentamos é acessível por meio da aquisição de novos traços da L2. Como resultado, propomos que os dados dão suporte a teorias de continuidade da GU (DUFFIELD; WHITE, 1999; SCHWARTZ; SPROUSE, 1996) e oferecem evidência contra as assim chamadas propostas de Traços Malsucedidos (FAILED FEATURES; BECK, 1998; HAWKINS; CHAN, 1997) para ASL (aquisição de segunda língua). Além disso, discutimos tais dados considerando abordagens probabilísticas para ASL, que interpretam erros de uso morfológico nesse nível como evidência de déficits subjacentes das representações mentais de L2. Em consonância com outros autores, argumentamos que o desempenho morfológico não é por si só uma medida direta ou exata da competência linguística (PRÉVOST; WHITE, 2000; LARDIERE, 1998, 2006).
Proceedings of the Conference EUROPHRAS 2017 - Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: Recent Advances and Interdisciplinary Approaches, Volume II (short papers, posters and student workshop papers)
The article is devoted to the study of the phraseological unit formation process, which is viewed from linguistic and semasiological angles. Taking a free word combination, prototype of the widely known phraseological unit, we analyze the process of its passing all stages of phraseologizationbecoming a phraseological unit. Semasiologically it is a conversational implicature becoming a conventional one. Eventually, it is called phraseological meaning. As component parts of phraseological units one can often observe utilization of words which are semantically not collocable, e.g.: pigs fly, speak daggers. This paradoxical collocation provides brightness of the image of the new linguistic signthe phraseological unit. In this paper, we will try to show the mechanism of conversational implicature becoming a conventional one and the role of paradoxes in the process of formation of new linguistic signs, which are secondary nominations of a denotatum. The empirical material of the present research consists of only a special group of phraseological units.
XLinguae, 2020
In our research, we set out to show the specifics of the implementation of the sign of constructive conditionality in the field of phraseology, to establish the syntactic constructions necessary for the semantics of phraseological units, characterized by the constructive conditionality of their functioning, to show the determinism of the structure that defines the use of phraseological units in speech, the grammatical structure and the lexical-grammatical composition of verbal complex-prototype of the phraseological unit. Phraseological units that realize their values under the condition of a strictly defined structure are characterized by a sign of constructive conditioning. Such units are widely represented in modern English and, along with other types of phraseological units, are part of the English phraseological foundation. They are not able to independently represent what is indicated by means of the values assigned to them, irrespective of the mandatory actualizing effect on these values from the side of the verbal sign.
Alfa: Revista de Linguística (São José do Rio Preto), 2018
Gong and Coupé (2011) present the state of the art on language complexity with regard to other complex systems. See also the discussion of linguistic complexity in Mufwene (2012). 2 We assume here, like Villava and Silvestre (2015), that the lexicon contains several kinds of lexical units, namely roots, affixes, words and lexicalised phrases.
Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English
This paper considers a number of deterministic conceptions that occupy a central position in current thinking about the process of grammaticalization, both in formal and functional theories of grammar. After a general discussion of the way the phenomenon of grammaticalization is dealt with from the point of view of grammar change and language change, and the explanatory value of these two rather different approaches, the paper turns to an examination of determinants considered to playa role in grammaticalization, i.e. the principle of unidirectionality, the idea of conceptual chains (grammaticalization as a semantically driven process), of grammaticalization as a mechanism or cause in itself, and the so-called parameters of grammaticalization. These assumptions will be critically examined with the hclp of two case studies, i.e. the grammaticalization of the infinitival marker to and of semimodal have to in the history of English. In addition, other factors will be lookcd at of an essentially synchronic nature, which may interact in this diachronic process, such as iconic factors and the synchronic state of the grammar/language. Both of these play an important part in the way grammaticalization proceeds. The paper concludes that certain tendencies can indeed be discerned in grammaticalization, but that the process is first and foremost steered by the shape of the synchronic language system. The conclusion also offers some thoughts on how the synchronic factors that steer grammaticalization may yet set off a longterm development through the impiicational properties of the structure that is grammaticalizing.
The phraseological fund of language is the most valuable source of data on culture, stereotypes of national consciousness; it includes people's ideas about myths, customs, ceremonies, rituals, habits, morals, behavior. Each person belongs to the certain national culture including national traditions, language, history, literature. Economic, cultural and scientific contacts of the countries and their people increase the relevance of the topics connected with a research of cross-cultural communications, interactions and interferences of languages and cultures, studying of the language personality.Studying of how the phraseological component of language reflects the outlook characteristic of "national spirit" in the images gives a special impulse to development of phraseology. Phraseological units (PU) reproduce this outlook in processes of the speech and by that form it, becoming property of language consciousness. The addressing to PU in which figurative basis is imprin...
Interlingüística, 14, 2003
Con la consolidación del castellano como vehículo de divulgación científica, se imprimen en la España del siglo XVI multitud de tratados técnicos que reflejan no solo los avances de la ciencia del momento, sino también un nuevo caudal léxico que viene a enriquecer la lengua de la época. Para hacer frente a la expresión de conceptos que antes eran comunicados en las lenguas de cultura, los autores han de recurrir a métodos como la traducción directa de obras anteriores o, en los casos en que nos encontramos ante nuevas realidades, a ser los propios autores, en la mayoría de ocasiones científicos, técnicos o artesanos, los que le confieren un nombre ya en castellano. A partir de aquí, observamos cómo la lengua vernácula es perfectamente apta para abarcar, mediante sus propios procesos de formación de palabras, una considerable porción de la parcela que constituye la terminología científica renacentista. Una de las técnicas ejercitadas en este período es el Arte Separatoria, tronco, junto a otras disciplinas, de la actual química, que cuenta con el apoyo material de los laboratorios de El Escorial. El amplio volumen de aguas destiladas que se obtienen en ellos da fe de su importancia a finales del XVI, momento en que se imprimen dos tratados que reflejan el estado de la cuestión: el Tratado de las aguas destiladas (1592), de Francisco de Valles, y el Arte Separatoria (1598), de Diego de Santiago. A partir del léxico especializado extraído de ellos, pretendemos hacer un estudio de los procedimientos de formación de tecnicismos más rentables para este tipo de voces, así como analizar la relación existente entre los sufijos utilizados y los principales campos semánticos que de su examen se deducen.
Selected Proceedings of the 8th Hispanic Linguistics …, 2006
Con este trabajo pretendemos contribuir a demostrar la necesidad de que los materiales de ELE, en particular las gramáticas, presenten un adecuado fundamento teórico y metodológico. Para ello, de modo concreto, realizamos un recorrido por la unidad verbal cantaría en la historia gramatical española. Posteriormente, analizamos el tratamiento de dicha unidad en un corpus constituido por veinte gramáticas de ELE de distintos niveles de acuerdo con el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas y cuyos destinatarios son tanto hablantes de cualquier lengua extranjera como hablantes nativos de inglés, francés e italiano. En particular, estudiamos la variedad terminológica que presenta la unidad cantaría, el contraste que se establece a menudo con otras unidades del sistema verbal español, así como los ejemplos utilizados para la exposición. A partir del análisis, constatamos la polivalencia que presenta esta forma verbal en las gramáticas analizadas, la multiplicidad de los valores...
Paremia, 2019
The translation of texts using PUs represents a challenge that has been studied over the years from different points of view. This is a review of the research carried out over the last two decades in relation to the different stages of the phraseological translation process, taking as a starting point the general framework for this type of translation proposed by Gloria Corpas in 2003. This framework is divided in three stages: identification of the PUs in the source text, interpretation of the identified PUs and the establishment of equivalents in the target language, first at the lexical level and then at the textual level. Then, there will be an overall analysis of the contributions of numerous Spanish authors on specific aspects of each of the process stages and on the necessary phraseographic and paremiographic works to reach the correspondences in the target language of the PUs inserted in the original text. Título: «El proceso de la traducción fraseológica». La traducción de textos en los que se utilizan UF representa un desafío que ha sido estudiado desde distintos puntos de vista a lo largo de los años. En este artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión de las investigaciones realizadas durante las últimas dos décadas en relación con las distintas etapas del proceso de la traducción fraseológica, tomando como punto de partida el marco general para este tipo de traducción planteado por Glo-ria Corpas en 2003, el cual se estructura en tres etapas: identificación de las UF en el texto original, interpretación de las UF identificadas y establecimiento de equivalentes en la lengua meta, primero en el nivel léxico y luego en el nivel textual. A partir de ahí se desgranan las aportaciones de numerosos autores españoles sobre aspectos concretos de cada una de las etapas del proceso y sobre las obras fraseográficas y paremiográficas necesarias para llegar a las correspondencias en la lengua meta de las UF insertas en el texto original. Titre: « Le processus de la traduction phraséologique ». La traduction de textes contenant des UP constitue un défi étudié selon différents points de vue au fils des années. Dans cet article, nous procédons à un examen des recherches réalisées, ces deux dernières décennies, sur les différentes étapes du processus de la tra-duction phraséologique, en nous fondant sur le cadre général proposé par Gloria Corpas en 2003 pour ce type de traduction. Ce dernier se décompose en trois phases : l'iden-tification des UP dans le texte original, l'interprétation des UP identifiées et la proposition d'équivalents dans la langue d'arrivée, d'abord au niveau lexical et ensuite au niveau textuel. Ce schéma ternaire permet de connaître les apports de nombre d'auteurs espagnols sur des aspects concrets de chacune de ces phases, ainsi que les ouvrages phaséographiques et parémiographiques nécessaires pour trouver les UP équivalentes, présentes dans le texte original. Abstract Resumen Palabras clave: Paremiología. Refrán. Fraseología. Traducción. Español.
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