2013, Conference proceedings : the 7th international days of statistics and economics, Praha

Having opened up to international markets, Slovak small and medium businesses are facing new challenges. To be successful in global environment, the businesses must be prepared to face situations characterized by cultural diversity. It has become absolutely inevitable for them to build up the cultural awareness and develop a certain level of intercultural competitiveness. The concept of cultural intelligence (CQ), which was created in in the USA in 2003, brings up new ways how to view and measure the quality of intercultural knowledge and skills of individuals by measuring the four components the CQ is based on: CQ strategy, CQ knowledge, CQ motivation and CQ behavior. Encompassing these four factors, the overall CQ values may help Slovak managers realize their best intercultural qualities and their deficiencies to be improved and further developed. The pilot phase of the research into CQ of Slovak managers has been carried out within the project VEGA 1/0781/11-Culturally Intelligent Organization as the Next Level of the Learning Organization in spring 2013 and will continue in the following months. The analysis has brought very interesting findings which we present in this paper together with the recommendations of application of CQ measuring scale into Slovak business culture.