
It has been abominable the trajectory of Brazil throughout history that we demonstrated in our article A deplorável trajetória do Brasil ao longo da história (The deplorable trajectory of Brazil throughout history), published on 03/25/2019 on various websites. The trajectory of Brazil throughout its history is deplorable because the country still faces problems that were created and persist since the colonial period and the attempts of its overcoming were aborted by the repression against the social movements, by the overthrow of governments committed to the progress of the country and with the adoption of anti-national and anti-social government policies. The Bolsonaro government continues this abhorrent trajectory because its election to the Presidency of the Republic is contributing to: 1) the rise of fascism to power in Brazil; 2) the deterioration of the social situation of the working class in Brazil; 3) the country's economic backwardness; and, 4) the definitive end of national sovereignty