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It has been abominable the trajectory of Brazil throughout history that we demonstrated in our article A deplorável trajetória do Brasil ao longo da história (The deplorable trajectory of Brazil throughout history), published on 03/25/2019 on various websites. The trajectory of Brazil throughout its history is deplorable because the country still faces problems that were created and persist since the colonial period and the attempts of its overcoming were aborted by the repression against the social movements, by the overthrow of governments committed to the progress of the country and with the adoption of anti-national and anti-social government policies. The Bolsonaro government continues this abhorrent trajectory because its election to the Presidency of the Republic is contributing to: 1) the rise of fascism to power in Brazil; 2) the deterioration of the social situation of the working class in Brazil; 3) the country's economic backwardness; and, 4) the definitive end of national sovereignty
Hot Spots/Fieldsights, 2020
Recently Brazil became an example of the destructive forces of populist extreme-right-wing governments. Indigenous and traditional populations, the environment, the few welfare state services (such as public health care and the higher education system) became obstacles for the reactionary agenda proposed by Jair Bolsonaro’s government. With the motto that “the institutions are working properly” other democratic powers such as the legislative branch and the judiciary granted a state of normalcy for what was clearly exceptional and anti-democratic, given the frequency with which Jair Bolsonaro runs over the Brazilian Constitution. In this context, many of the once hidden conservative groups that exist in the country felt entitled to make their stance through discourse and action. For some intellectuals, this showed the fallacy of the once praised cordiality of Brazilian people. For others, particularly those who have been historically subject to state’s structural violence, this was all too familiar. With this in mind, we asked a group of social scientists to elaborate on this political figure that is so hard to grasp. From his post-truth strategies to the forms of resisting his actions, the authors gathered here carefully analyze the consequences of Bolsonaro’s government as well as what can be already seen as something that may survive his own term as a political trope, named bolsonarismo.
This article aims to present an evaluation of the most disastrous government in the history of Brazil, that of the Bolsonaro government. The evaluation of the Bolsonaro government in its 2-year presidential term was disastrous from any angle of analysis. It was the most disastrous in the history of Brazil in terms of foreign policy, the economy, job creation, the environment, science and technology, education and culture and, above all, social rights and public health. This Bolsonaro government evaluation shows that it is more than a political problem, it has become a public health problem and to the resumption of national development.
From a document corpus taken from leading journals recording the discourses and actions of President Jair Bolsonaro and his team in managing the economy, politics, and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more than clear that this administration refuses to play by the rules of the democratic game. There is a close relationship between the authoritarian administration and the naturalization of a logic that prioritizes market interests above all, producing an ultra-neoliberalism that not only operates within the economic and financial sphere but also produces antidemocratic modes of social subjectivity. Segundo um corpus de documentos proveniente dos jornais principais que registravam os discursos e ações do Presidente Jair Bolsonaro e seu equipe com respeito a sua gerência da economia, da polítca e da pandemia do COVID-19, fica muito claro que este governo se recusa a cumprir as regras do jogo democrático. Ademais, existe uma relação íntima entre o governo autoritário e a uniformização de uma lógica que prioriza os interesses do mercado sobre todo, produzindo um ultra-neoliberalismo que não somente opera dentro da esféra econômica e financeira mas também gera modos antidemocráticos de subjetividade social.
Ameryka Łacińska, 4, 2019
The aim of this paper is to clarify certain aspects regarding the meteoric political rise of Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro, from the lowest echelons of the Brazilian Par-liament, to prominence as the main catalyst of the diffuse anti-left wing sentiment spread throughout Brazilian society after four consecutive center-left wing governments led by Worker’s Party (PT). In our article, we try to understand whether his presidency is a result of a major crisis of the “Brazilianness”.
Ameryka Łacińska. Kwartalnik analityczno-informacyjny, 2019
The aim of this paper is to clarify certain aspects regarding the meteoric political rise of Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro, from the lowest echelons of the Brazilian Parliament, to prominence as the main catalyst of the diffuse anti-left wing sentiment spread throughout Brazilian society after four consecutive center-left wing governments led by Worker’s Party (PT). In our article, we try to understand whether his presidency is a result of a major crisis of the “Brazilianness”
This article demonstrates that Brazil failed to achieve high levels of political, economic and social development. It can be seen from the analysis of our article that the problems faced by Brazil at the moment and unresolved result from causes that have been added and accumulated throughout its history of more than 500 years, that is, in the colonial period and during the Empire and the Republic. The trajectory of Brazil throughout its history is deplorable because the country still faces problems that were created and persist since the colonial period and the attempts of their overcoming were aborted by the repression against the social movements, by the overthrow of governments committed to the progress of the country and with the adoption of anti-national and anti-social government policies.
Brazil is in danger because the Bolsonaro government is producing a gigantic backspace political, economic, social and environmental. On the political level, the Bolsonaro government threatens democracy with the escalation of fascism with all its nefarious consequences. On the economic front, it jeopardizes the country's growth and development through the adoption of neoliberal economic policies. At the social level, it attacks the Brazilian society with the adoption of neo-liberal anti-social policies that contribute to the worsening of the social situation of the great majority of the Brazilian population. On the environmental front, it adopts a policy that contributes to aggression against nature and threatens not to comply with the Paris Agreement to combat global warming.
Brazilian Research and Studies Center - BRaS Blog, 2021
Brazzil Magazine, 2018
IDEOLOGY / THE RISE OF JAIR BOLSONARO : UNDERSTANDING BRAZIL'S CULTURE WARS In the lead up to Brazil's election second round, polls show far-right candidate former Brazilian congressman and army captain Jair Bolsonaro from the PSL (Liberal Social Party) with 57 percent of votes, whereas his opponent Fernando Haddad from the Worker's Party has 43 percent of votes. But what are the main political factors leading Brazilians to support a former military man, a thuggish apologist of authoritarianism, torture, Human Rights violations and who disregards women's and LGBT rights?
Revista FIDES, 2019
Originated from some questions of British academics (mainly from the University of Kent) about the Brazilian political reality, it was sought, based on historical and social elements, to analyse the presidential election of 2018. This text, which was presented in November 2018 in a seminar in Canterbury, has, in addition to the introduction and the final considerations, three parts: a brief history of the Brazilian formation, an analysis of the capitalist crisis and the previous governments, and an approach of the political manipulations carried out through social networks. Finally, the fascist leitmotiv of the Bolsonaro´s campaign was also analysed, problematizing its nuances in a dependent and underdeveloped country. (Originado de alguns questionamentos de acadêmicos britânicos (principalmente da Universidade de Kent) sobre a realidade política brasileira, buscou-se, com base em elementos históricos e sociais, analisar as eleições presidenciais de 2018. Este texto, apresentado em novembro de 2018 em um seminário em Canterbury, além da introdução e das considerações finais, possui três partes: uma breve história da formação brasileira, uma análise da crise capitalista e dos governos anteriores e uma abordagem das manipulações políticas realizadas por meio de redes sociais. Por fim, também foi analisado o leitmotiv fascista da campanha de Bolsonaro, problematizando suas nuances em um país dependente e subdesenvolvido.)
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The Bullet, 2019
Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania, 2023
The Populist Radical Right and Health, 2021
BRAZIL BETWEEN FASCISM AND DEMOCRACY: The great agreement “with the Supreme Court, with everything” to the “broad front” to defeat Bolsonarism (Atena Editora), 2023
Polidemos 10: Latin America at a Glance, Recent Political and Electoral Trends, 2024
Revista de Direito Público, 2021
Revista de Estudios Sociales [forthcoming], 2019
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 2022
Scientific Journal of Applied Social and Clinical Science, 2022
Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 2020
Monthly Review, 2020
Historical Materialism, 2019
Anuario Latinoamericano Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, 2021
Revista de Investigações Constitucionais