Logical Forms, Part II - Logic, Language, and Knowledge

2005, Coleção CLE

This volume continues the discussion initiated in Part 1 of "Logical Forms" and deals with issues of language, logic, proof, and knowledge. I list the chapter titles: 13. Language, meaning, and reference. 14. Syntax and semantics. 15 Grammar and logical form. 16. Propositional logic. 17. Predicate logic. 18. Grammar and logical truth. 19. Proof and logical deduction. 20. Proof and proving. 21. Proof and truth. 22. The tyranny of belief. 23. Ockham's razor. 24. Knowledge and justification. 25. Logic and knowledge. Epilogue. Plato, Zeno, Parmenides, and Frege. A translation to Portuguese of chapter 25--Lógica e conhecimento--was published in 2007 and I added the pdf in TRANSLATIONS.