Future Atmospheres Now: Thinking Critical Climate Futures.

2018, CRITICAL FUTURES SYMPOSIUM, Programme 8 - 9 November, Centre for Critical Creative Practice, University of Wollongong Australia


Symposium Session 1 - Future Atmospheres Now: Thinking Critical Climate Futures Louise Boscacci, Anne Collett, Teodor Mitew, Catherine McKinnon "This panel voices a series of readings from the new book 100 Atmospheres: Studies in Scale and Wonder, a major creative-critical collaboration by 13 MECO researchers in art, writing and media from 2016 to 2018. Now in press, the book uses atmosphere as a mode, portal and nourishing milieu to craft responses to embodied encounters with climate change and the effects and affects of the accelerating Anthropocene. 100 Atmospheres is especially prescient. On 8 October this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the special report: Global Warming of 1.5°C. The update says “transformational” societal changes are now needed to limit warming to 1.5 degrees by 2030 and to prevent the shift into a +2°C “hothouse earth” state of living by 2050. Things just got very real for many looking ahead. As scholars and creative practitioners thinking about climate futures, we are mindful that the future shared atmosphere is being composed here and now, in the critical present. We continue to ask what can art and writing do—differently, or in new interdisciplinary alliances—in engaging with this conversation? Might it also be useful to think in terms of “a new climatic regime,” as Bruno Latour recently proposed? (Bruno Latour 2017, Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime)." Acknowledgement of Country: Jade Kennedy Symposium Opening: Susan Ballard, co-director Centre for Critical Creative Practice. See full programme for more.