Is democracy coming full circle

2018, The Philosophical Society Review


This paper briefly explores the past, present and future of democracy within the context of the common good. From the direct democracy of the popular assemblies in the Greek polis to the crowd-sourcing of ideas in e-democracy - seemingly this concept is coming to a full circle. The democratic process is at its most fundamental level a form of collective decision-making, however, it also encompasses many more values than just the balloting at elections. So much so that, the notion of democracy has developed into a sophisticated set of rules designed to implement and guarantee the common well-being of a given community. Indeed, democracy is still the best political set-up that western civilisation has to offer. Nevertheless, democracy is not a perfect system. In reality, it could be said that, since its inception democracy backfired utterly when inter alia: (a) it condemned Socrates to death; and relatively more recently (b) when it democratically elected the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei to power and now again (c) by allowing populism to rise to power in different parts of our planet. Finally, whilst Plato’s “ship metaphor” may not be exact, it certainly highlights the issue that the best citizens to guide a democratic government are not always elected to do so. Everything points towards one solution: well informed citizens who are capable of right reason. In other words: not just “philosopher kings” but “philosopher citizens”.