A Review of Walkability and Neighborhood Design

2017, Socio-spatial studies journal

The major style of urbanization in Isfahan has been always conventionally based and focused on pedestrianism. This city whose frame and structure is organized and nearly completed in the Seljuk and Safavid eras, still (particularly in the old areas) is under a system based upon evaluation of the qualitative properties of districts and maximum connection between people and environment .Though from early 20th century and the start of modern transformations in architecture and urbanization in Iran, building new and modern districts with central focus being on maximum usage of land to build infrastructure and paths for passing cars, the pedestrians are less valued .Regarding this point that city development and description of new necessities by humans has inevitably new activities and utilizations in definition of districts, by comparing the new and old districts of Isfahan we can significantly come to the conclusion that how eachonès frame work properties can satisfy today human beings' requirements and interactions and what the strategies for their adjustment and promotion are .This article compares the capacity of pedestrianism and social interactions between an old and a new-fashioned district in Isfahan in order to discuss the strengths and foibles of them. The discussed titles are: aim of research and the way of that, reviewing the supplies about new urbanization and walkability, checking pedestrianism in two districts of Isfahan, and the results of the research .The final parts discuss the results of the review and physical position of two intended districts. Finally, the implications will be presented as guidance principles to design new-fashioned neighborhoods in order to improve the quality of neighborhood and social interactions due to the walkability.