Towards The Disappearance Of Politics?

2018, Social Europe


In 1958, Hannah Arendt published The Human Condition. In her philosophical masterpiece, Arendt indicated that the "Vita Activa", a life actively encompassing public political debate and political action, is the only place of real freedom for citizens and sole remedy for totalitarian regimes and powerful economic oligarchies. Today, erosion of the public sphere is once more a harsh reality, as is particularly evident in the current weakness of "Western Democracies". Open, pluralistic, debate within democratic societies is unfortunately the first victim of the current political environment, as seen recently in the US and Italy. The limitation of the public debate by reason of technical complexity and growingly global issues, or trivial generalization and ideological taboos, is dangerously forcing democracies’ citizens into political passivity, narrowing de facto the window of alternatives to an extreme degree, and resulting is an increased polarization of the “Vita Activa”, the offer of political proposals to meet citizens’ demands for public solutions.