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turned out that we would also need to take into account the problematic of government. In short one needed to analyse the series: security, population, government"
Cihan Unversity, 2023
Good governance is one of the most important issues raised in political science in the last few decades and is closely related to national security. This article analyzes the theoretical relationship of this idea with the concept of national security with a descriptive analytical method. The result shows that with the transformation of governance to good governance and the transformation of security from classical to modern, these two concepts have found functional implications and are known as the basis of each other. In other words, the implementation of good governance leads to the realization of sustainable security.
This book explores changes in security governance in Europe from the 1990s, focusing on some of the most important consequences: the proliferation of ignored insecurities, including the increase of oncological diseases, environmental disasters, shadow economies reproducing neo-slavery and fiscal fraud, and the general damage to the res publica. What is the articulation of removal, reclamation and consequently the implementation of devices and the establishing of prevention practices? Why are the majority of victims and also the control agency professionals seemingly resigned to these ignored insecurities? Following more than 20 years of research in the area, the authors examine these questions and how the securitisation of society has been exacerbated. They argue that the primary cause of the increase in ignored insecurities is the consequence of the neoliberal turn in security governance. This book proposes an innovative approach to security governance, not only through a serious analysis of the balance of the costs and benefits, but also highlighting what is here termed `ignored insecurities'. The authors propose a review of the problems, showing that the governance of security is a crucial element of the contemporary political organisation of society. The book ends with an innovative reflection on the Anthropocene debate and the COP21 summit which took place in Paris in December 2015. Reviews ˜This impressive collection shows the limits of what governments refer to as "security". Much is left out of this governmental notion. And what it leaves out seems to have expanded as the significance of the term has grown. A must read. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, USA, and author of Expulsions ‘This most welcomed volume brings fresh empirical, legal and analytic perspectives to the well-worn, and often obfuscated, issues of European security governance. Case studies spanning several decades document rarely treated "insecurities" involving disease, refugees, migrants and environmental despoliation that are ignored or made worse by current approaches to the "securitization of society". With intelligence and passion the book argues for a broadly defined human security rather than a more narrowly defined national security. It forces us to ask "security for whom? And at what costs and risks for those least privileged, as well as for the future of all persons?’ Gary T. Marx, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, and author of Windows Into the Soul: Surveillance and Society in an Age of High Technology
Acta Politica Polonica
Security is one of the most basic needs of human beings and has become one of the fundamental issues not only for people but also for the states. Security has emerged within the human history and it is one of the fundamental concepts of the discipline of international relations. Many studies have been carried out into the concept of security in the discipline of international relations and many definitions of this concept have been offered in the conceptual and theoretical framework of these studies. However, in the literature there is no one, commonly accepted definition of security. Since security has a dynamic structure, the concept of security has also changed cyclically and maintained its existence. Unique opportunities for the concept of security emerged particularly during and after the cold war, arousing interest of many disciplines and theorists. The concept of security, which continues its existence today, has changed and deepened, confronted with different threats. In our study, firstly, the concept of security will be defined and its analysis will be performed by associating it with humanity and its history. Afterwards, it will be explained how the change in the system transformed the concept of security as conceived in terms of the critical theories developed in the cold war period and later. nr 1/2022 (53) Concepts of security from a perspective of political science
Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 2021
Security, synonymous with stability and development, in its most desirable form ensures certainty of existence, preservation of identity, freedom of affiliation, activity and functioning of individuals and communities, integrity and independence, satisfaction of basic needs, defence against their loss, prosperity and satisfaction. The interpretation adopted for the purposes of the paper refers to several elements that affect national security. It is primarily creating its security by organising society on the basis of power, giving its actions a purposeful character serving to maintain order and stability, and social order. Another element is the creation of certain states of social reality through the policy of the institution of power, which relates to the present, but inevitably leads to the future. The third element is the creation of future, desired social, political and economic phenomena and processes forming the order and the basis for further related activities, based on the policy instrument, which is the national security strategy. The last element is combining all of the previously listed in national security management. Together, these elements create an interpretation of the way of transforming and creating the state's ability to ensure its security, a necessary condition for its existence and development. The presented study, not exhausting the subject, allows for the formulation of directions for further research, which appear to be important in creating national security.
Security is tied to both social, political and economic growth and development of Nigeria. The negligence of the security sector is responsible for the non-performance of democratic governance and its attendant violent crimes, such as armed robbery, ethnic crisis, electoral violence, kidnapping, police brutality, etc. The relationship between democratic governance and security is not automatic in Nigeria. Therefore this paper uses available sources of data as its method or technique of data collection and analyse the missing gaps between security and development. The paper advance its findings and suggest some recommendations, some of which are, provision of an appropriate infrastructure for good governance, rule of law, overhauling the security sector to meet the challenges of law enforcement, surveillance and protective service delivery, creation of employment opportunities, and programmes to embark on total moral re-orientation of the citizens among others.
International Conference on International Relations Universitas Katholik Parahyangan, 2016
Human security concept emerged from the multidisciplinary facets of security, development, and environmental point of views. Human survival was the main concern of this human security paradigm. Environmental degradation, climate change, pandemic diseases, short of crops supply could not be understood as single issue of natural science. More to it, those threats entailed to anthropological course, thus the reaction toward the threats was fully committed to anthropocentric reason. To understand about the meaning of security, people need to rethink the meaning of insecurity. Insecurity could be understood by acknowledging the threats possessed by Nation State and also by accepting that how human living system are insecure and vulnerable by design. Threat was seen global and interconnected phenomena beyond the national boundaries. The reception of that nature possessed risk toward humans' freedom and power, therefore humans grew the ability to transform the nature and its system around them. Governing the nature for human survival was an attempt to securitize the insecurity itself. Securitization is by designed aimed to introduce humans' exposure to danger through the political acts. The challenge of understanding human security was on how the more humans securitize, the more insecurities would emerge. Securing life could be understood as normalizing the insecurity, thus people could adjust to endangerment as integral part of life.
Global Society, 2002
National security has figured prominently in academic and political discussions of foreign and international policy since the end of World War II. No social term or concept has been so abused and misused as national security. The purpose of this paper is to try to explain the concept of security in a broader context so that it can be applied at multiple levels, but with special reference to national security. The purpose is to define security as a policy objective, clear enough to distinguish it from other objectives. In order to carry out a closer conceptual definition, it is necessary to identify certain "specifications" or "determinations" of security, which can facilitate the analysis of the expediency of the security policy. If this notion is to survive for use in political analysis or theory, conceptual definitions (specifications) will be necessary, which are explained here, and one can start by defining security as a policy goal and proceed to further define policy as a means to that goal.
Problems related to social security can be seen as a particular type of security in various aspects. In the literature of political science, economics, sociology or security studies there are different concepts of characterizing this category. The issue of social security is a complex and ambiguous, because this phenomenon is dynamic and depends on many factors. This work is an attempt to answer the question of what are the theoretical basis of social security on the basis of the security studies and whether it can enter the other, closely related to national security category concept, eg. social security of the nation. The reference point for discussion is the system of national security. Authors proposed a definition of societal security of the nation and pointed out the main elements characterizing this concept as an opposition to the social security, understood in terms of welfare state. The other rationale for the choice of topic is also a need to shape the way to solve scientific problems of modern science on the basis of security studies, including those related to operationalization of concepts and gaps in knowledge, which should focus on the search for representatives of this new scientific subdiscipline.
National security - definition, character and determinants. Studies on the quality of security, 2012
Introduction Among the problems discussed in this study is the issue of national security, broadly defined. Recognizing the need for safe existence of citizens, it is impossible not to note that we live in an increasingly global world, so discussion of the Republic of Poland national security can not be limited only to the territory of our motherland. Without a doubt, both in nationally and internationally a key role in shaping world security play safety regulations. In this work, the authors undertook a collective development of specific threats to the modern safety and security management organization (in terms of a complex and problematic) and the development of attitudes and education standard for safety. The aim of this work is the exchange of views among representatives of various research and teaching centers and representatives of practices: • Contemporary problems of safety and civilization threats • Legal framework of internal security of the Republic of Poland and international security • Dilemmas of internal security management • Education and upbringing for security Finally, we would like to thank the reviewers of this book - Prof. dr hab. Piotr Majer and Dr Ivan Iurlo whose valuable comments were received on the final shape of this study. We also thank all the authors, representing various research centers, universities and institutions by which arose in this paper. Prof. zw. dr hab. Bronisław Sitek Mgr Aleksandra Ukleja
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