Paradigm function morphology


'Paradigm Function Morphology' is a name, and like many names, it has more than one referent. On one hand, it refers to a collection of leading ideas for morphological (especially inflectional) theory; on the other hand, it refers to a collection of formal theories that have been proposed in the last 20 years to embody these leading ideas. In this paper we elucidate both senses of the term, explicitly separating the contingent from the essential in Paradigm Function Morphology (PFM). §2 presents the core assumptions that are shared by all instantiations of the theory. In §3, we present a streamlined version of the instantiation of PFM presented in . As this is the first fully articulated version of PFM, we will call it PFM1. In §4 we discuss a range of new approaches and directions for PFM; many of these necessitate modifications of the system of principles and formalisms that we present, but all are consonant with the leading ideas that are at the theory's core.