Is the philosophy of science a science? (In Ukrainian)

2019, Newsweekly “Mirror of Week”


Due to newspaper requirements references were deleted from the printed version (In Ukrainian) (in Russian) Initially, the paper was sent to the general scientific journal “Visnyk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” ( and rejected without any written explanation. Contents Basic question was formulated but has not discussed Is the philosophy of science a philosophy? What is a science? New knowledge is the main scientific product The philosophy of science as one of metasciences about science Features of the philosophy of science as science Abstract The philosophy of science is understood as a meta-science about science. Its domain includes components, subsystems, structures, functions, and interconnections of systems of scientific knowledge as rational means of generating new knowledge. Some scientific criteria, which are satisfied by the philosophy of science: demarcating and modeling its domain, verifying its statements, identifying and solving original problems, describing dynamics of knowledge systems in terms of their components and subsystems, are formulated. The structure-nominative direction in the philosophy of science has included into systems of scientific knowledge more forms of its differentiation than informal-conceptual, propositional/standard, logical, instrumentalist/operationalist, erothetic/interrogative, semantic, and structuralist directions. Scientists construct a balanced system of scientific knowledge as the device of producing new knowledge by systemically ordering ties between these forms. The modification of the structure-nominative direction proposes more detailed («microscopic») consideration of compositions, transformations, interdependencies, and dynamics of subsystems of systems of scientific knowledge. In any particular system of scientific knowledge, the following agreed subsystems are singled out: ontic (initial ideas about the indisputable attributes of realities from the domain of the knowledge system in question); denominative (names of realities both from the domain and names of components of the system itself); language (system of languages of the knowledge system); logistic (means of ordering subsystems); nomic (laws, axioms, postulates that represent the regularities and regularities of the domain, as well as the principles of the system itself); model (abstract models); representative (models whose prototypes are realities from the domain); problem / interrogative or erothetic (problems, issues, tasks that are being formulated and solved); operational (actions with components and structures of knowledge system in question); procedural (rules for performing actions); evaluative or axiological (assessments of components, structures, subsystems and the system as a whole); hypothetical (assumptions); heuristic (useful, but not rigorous means of reasoning); approximative (approximations) and binding (connections of subsystems and their components) subsystems. The results of the article are useful in the philosophy of science, sociology of science and history of science, as well as in the teaching of corresponding university courses. Key words: science as a social institution, philosophy of science, meta-science, production of knowledge, system of scientific knowledge, polysystem, components, subsystems, modified structural-nominative reconstruction, scientific criteria.