2019, IAEME

The agricultural commodity, especially rice, is one that greatly influences economic and political stability in Indonesia, so it is very possible for the need for food security especially in the morning as the main need for food in the community. One of them is Merauke Regency has an average household income in agriculture. Banking potential in the distribution of agricultural credit massage, especially rice commodities. This research was conducted in the Tanah Miring District of Merauke Regency with a descriptive and explanatory research approach with 97 farmers as respondents, by conducting structured interviews using multiple questionnaires (open and closed) and making direct observations or observations of the area and sample responses. To analyze the data obtained by using a variable measurement scale namely the Likert scale, and testing the research instrument carried out by testing the validity and reliability using SPSS 21. Quantitative data processing using the Binary Logistic Regression Test