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AI-generated Abstract
This overview discusses the pivotal role of computers across different sectors such as banking, insurance, education, and highlights the evolution of computing technology from earlier generations to contemporary devices. It covers various types of computer monitors, storage units, and general concepts regarding computer structure and functionality.
Information technologies and computer devices are modern and very useful tools, which are widely and successfully applied in various areas of human activity and social life, including medicine and health care. Adoption of new information technologies and modern devices in medicine causes increasing of quality and efficiency of medical assistance and in such way lets to decrease the number of complications and unfavourable outcomes, to promote socioeconomic progress and to increase the overall quality of life. New information technologies (IT communicator, remote healthcare monitor) and computer devices (ECG device with vessels system evaluation, and digital phonendoscope) for medical application, developed in Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics in cooperation with Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, are considered. Proposed devices refer to diagnostic and measuring tools. In spite of fast application of new diagnostic technologies and devices, in most cases it i...
In a hospital decisions must be made continuously and at many levels. The physician must decide how to arrive at a precise diagnosis and what treatment will be best. The nurse must decide when to actively assist in the healing process. The administrator must set charges for services. The governing board of the hospital must make decisions about investment in new facilities. 0 0 1 F Decisions require the interaction of knowledge and infor mation. The decision-makers' knowledge is acquired through education and experience, but to apply knowledge to a specific case, information about the status of the case is needed. This information is derived from data that describe the patient, or the hospital. A hospital information system (HIS) takes on the tasks of collecting, storing, manipulating, and presenting the data, helping to generate the information needed to 0 0 1 F make the deci sions in a hospital. We partition the presentation of the issues into five sections. 0 0 1 F The first section presents an overview of the many func tions that must be served by HIS and the interactions that exist among these functions. The section on the history of HIS has a dual role: While presenting the growth of functionality of HISs over time, we also model the growth of the function of an HIS in an 0 0 1 F individ ual setting, since each setting presents similar constraints to those experienced by systems development in general. 0 0 1 F The third section formalizes the fundamentals of the inter action of data and knowledge, the generation of information, and the feedback loops that are needed to keep complex 0 0 1 F sys tems, as an HIS, functioning and responsive. Examples of current HISs are given in the fourth section in order to clarify the current state of the art in terms of the required functions, the past systems that affect today's 0 0 1 F opera tions, and the underlying fundamentals.
Fuzzy-logic-based IoMT framework for COVID19 patient monitoring, 2023
Smart healthcare is an integral part of a smart city, which provides real time and intelligent remote monitoring and tracking services to patients and elderly persons. In the era of an extraordinary public health crisis due to the spread of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which caused the deaths of millions and affected a multitude of people worldwide in different ways, the role of smart healthcare has become indispensable. Any modern method that allows for speedy and efficient monitoring of COVID19-affected patients could be highly beneficial to medical staff. Several smart-healthcare systems based on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) have attracted worldwide interest in their growing technical assistance in health services, notably in predicting, identifying and preventing, and their remote surveillance of most infectious diseases. In this paper, a real time health monitoring system for COVID19 patients based on edge computing and fuzzy logic technique is proposed. The proposed model makes use of the IoMT architecture to collect real time biological data (or health information) from the patients to monitor and analyze the health conditions of the infected patients and generates alert messages that are transmitted to the concerned parties such as relatives, medical staff and doctors to provide appropriate treatment in a timely fashion. The health data are collected through sensors attached to the patients and transmitted to the edge devices and cloud storage for further processing. The collected data are analyzed through fuzzy logic in edge devices to efficiently identify the risk status (such as low risk, moderate risk and high risk) of the COVID19 patients in real time. The proposed system is also associated with a mobile app that enables the continuous monitoring of the health status of the patients. Moreover, once alerted by the system about the high risk status of a patient, a doctor can fetch all the health records of the patient for a specified period, which can be utilized for a detailed clinical diagnosis.
Figure 1: Computer Application STARTER A. Work in groups. List as many uses as you can for computers in one of these areas: 1. Supermarkets 2. Hospitals 3. Airports 4. Police Headquarters B. Read the text and understand the vocabulary contextually then fill the meanings of vocabularies in the box. Data mining is simply filtering through large amounts of raw data for useful information that gives businesses a competitive edge. This information is made up of meaningful patternsand trends that are already in the data but werepreviously unseen. The most popular tool used when mining is artificial intelligence (AI). AI technologies try towork the way the human brain works, by makingintelligent guesses, learning by example, andusing deductive reasoning. Some of the morepopular AI methods used in data mining includeneural networks, clustering, and decision trees.Neural networks look at the rules of using data,which are based on the connections found or ona sample set of data. As a result, the softwarecontinually analyses value and compares it to theother factors, and it compares these factorsrepeatedly until it finds patterns emerging. Thesepatterns are known as rules. The software thenlooks for other patterns based on these rules orsends out an alarm when a trigger value is hit. Clustering divides data into groups based onsimilar features or limited data ranges. Clustersare used when data isn't labeled in a way that isfavorable to mining. For instance, an insurancecompany that wants to find instances of fraudwouldn't have its records labeled as fraudulentor not fraudulent. But after analyzing patternswithin clusters, the mining software can start tofigure out the rules that point to which claimsare likely to be false. Decision trees, like clusters, separate the datainto subsets and then analyze the subsets todivide them into further subsets, and so on (fora few more levels). The final subsets are thensmall enough that the mining process can findinteresting patterns and relationships within thedata. Once the data to be mined is identified, it should be cleansed. Cleansing data frees it from duplicate information and erroneous data. Next, the data should be stored in a uniform format within relevant categories or fields. Mining tools can work with all types of data storage, from large data warehouses to smaller desktop databases to flat files. Data warehouses and data marts are storage methods that involve archiving large amounts of data in a way that makes it easy to access when necessary. When the process is complete, the mining software generates a report. An analyst goes over the report to see if further work needs to be done, such as refining parameters, using other data analysis tools to examine the data, or even scrapping the data if it's unusable. If no further work is required, the report proceeds to thedecision makers for appropriate action. The power of data mining is being used for many purposes, such as analysing Supreme Court decisions, discovering patterns in health care, pulling stories about competitors from newswires, resolving bottlenecks in production processes, and analyzing sequences in the human genetic makeup. There really is no limit to the type of business or area of study where data mining can be beneficial.
After a short discussion of selected characteristics of the information technology (IT) in operation at present, the paper emphasizes and discusses four different views on IT: a denial, a goal, a utility and a craft approach. This is followed by a critical examination of three selected areas to which IT is applied. Electronic data generation and dissemination, or information handling, is exemplified by means of office automation and electronic publishing.
The expanding influence of computers on society is being felt in medicine as well. Essentially all hospitals and clinics depend on computers for administrative and financial procedures and for providing access to clinical data. Most physicians have been exposed to the powerful available systems for searching the biomedical literature by computer. Modern medical imaging techniques depend on computers for image generation, small computers have become mandatory elements in the research laboratory, and information systems are becoming vital topics for medical education. The clinical community has long anticipated the day when computers would be able to assist with diagnosis and with making decisions about patient treatment. One way to decide if the advantages of computers and mobile phones in medicine overcome the disadvantages to show physicians computer
Science, 1980
Over the last 15 years, the medical sciences have provided both physician and patient with dramatic new diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Many of these new technologies are coupled to computers and electronics: intensive care monitors, computerized axial tomography, and automated laboratory instrumentation are familiar examples.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 1982
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Theoretical & Applied Science, 2020
Practical Diabetes International, 1987
Acta Informatica Medica, 2011
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer …, 1984
Journal of Medical Systems, 1989
32nd Annual Frontiers in Education
Conference: DIEC , 2022