IMC 2019 Sessions


Recent research showed there is more evidence for Jewish craftspeople in medieval Europe than previous studies assumed. Jews worked in different professions -not only within their communityand hence with a wide range of materials: ritual pure parchment was needed to create Torah scrolls and codices for the synagogue service, shofarot were made by ram's horns and goldsmiths handled precious materials like gold, silver or pearls. The sessions will focus on this wide range of topics from an interdisciplinary approach and discuss questions about legal conditions, ritual requirements and interactions with the Christian Environment. Evidence of Jewish(?) Craftsmen from the Pogrom Rubble of 1349 in Cologne (Language: English) Michael Wiehen, Dezernat für Kunst und Kultur, Stadt Köln Abstract Recent research showed there is more evidence for Jewish craftspeople in medieval Europe than previous studies assumed. Jews worked in different professions -not only within their community -