Monogamy and Infanticide in Complex Societies

2019, Royal Anthropological Institute - Occasional Paper - Dunbar's Number


There has been a long history of attempts to explain the evolution of monogamy in mammals in general (Kleiman 1977), and primates in particular (Alexander 1979), partly because of the implications that it may have for the evolution of monogamy in humans. Monogamy is a complex term though, with some species invariably found in pairs (such as owl monkeys), whereas other species can be monogamous, but flexibly take up other mating systems (such as callitrichid monkeys). Humans fit with the latter flexible group, as well as having the additional distinction between their mating system and their marriage system. However, it is fairly well established that monogamy is common in birds (90% of species) (Lack 1968) due to the short time period between mating and egg laying that allows a male to increase his reproductive success through sharing high levels of offspring care (incubating, hatching and rearing), rather than leaving the female he has just mated with to look for other females with whom to mate. The particular reproductive strategy of mammals, with a long gestation period followed by lactation, reduces the opportunities for a male to provide direct care for his offspring, therefore most males move on after mating to seek other fertile females. As a result, monogamy is rare among mammals (5% of species) (Lukas and Clutton-Brock 2013). It is surprising, then, that monogamy is unusually prevalent in one particular mammal order, namely the primates (where 30% of species are monogamous) (Opie, et al. 2013a), with monogamy occurring in all the major primate families (Opie, et al. 2012).