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This study seeks to reveal the implementation of convergence in the newsroom with case study of Tempo Group. This research uses qualitative approach and case study method. This study reveals that Tempo began implementing newsroom convergence after publishing Koran Tempo in 2001. The effort toward newsroom convergence was realized by establishing Tempo Newsroom which functioned as news control center. After passing a series of trials and policy changes, the Tempo Group finally adopted full editorial convergence since 2012. In the application of this editorial convergence, Tempo chose the Newsroom 3.0 model, a newsroom management system that brings together news gathering and news processing to provide news material for several outlets:, Koran Tempo, and Tempo Magazine
Bandung Conference Series: Journalism
The phenomenon of media convergence is a necessity that cannot be avoided, media convergence has a very significant influence on media practice. This research examines media convergence in the newsroom of Media Group, a leading media entity in Indonesia. Using a qualitative method approach, this study used a media group case study using interviews, direct observation and analysis of documents related to data collection. This research identifies the impact of convergence in the media, besides that this research also highlights the challenges and opportunities faced by newsrooms in dealing with the convergence process. Challenges cover all the basic aspects of editorial which cause adjustments in the newsroom, as well as management aspects that must continue to adapt. Convergence has changed the newsroom landscape.
Seiring dengan perkembangan industri media yang diwarnai dengan pertumbuhan media daring membuat konvergensi menjadi isu penting. Media konvensional mulai mengembangkan platform digital. Dulu, media cetak, audio, dan audio-visual memiliki newsroom yang terpisah-pisah. Kini, pada era digital konvergensi media mulai muncul, seperti di Grup Tempo. Penelitian ini mengkaji bentuk-bentuk konvergensi yang diterapkan di Grup Tempo dan implikasinya terhadap kompetensi reporter Peneliti menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dan teori determinisme teknologi dan teori new media dan konvergensi media. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik komparatif konstan. Metodenya studi kasus. Hasilnya menunjukkan, bentuk-bentuk konvergensi yang diterapkan di adalah konvergensi pada tingkat newsroom. Setelah tiga kali mencoba, memutuskan untuk menurunkan kadar konvergensi yang semul...
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kebijakan redaksional Jawa Pos dalam menghadapi konvergensi media dan menganalisis dampak konvergensi media terhadap pola kerja wartawan Jawa Pos. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model penelitian studi kasus. Penelitian kualitatif ini diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran mendalam tentang model konvergensi pada Jawa Pos, dimensi atau level konvergensi Jawa Pos, dan fase konvergensi di Jawa Pos. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam terhadap pemimpin umum Jawa Pos, redaktur pelaksana, redaktur, dan wartawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Jawa Pos sebagai perusahaan telah siap menghadapi seluruh perubahan yang ada di industri media. Jawa Pos menggunakan kebijakan redaksi adaptif dalam menghadapi konvergensi. Kebijakan adaptif dipilih untuk merespon tekanan eksternal berupa perkembangan kemajuan teknologi. Dengan kebijakan itu redaksi Jawa Pos melakukan berbagai perubahan, yakni perubahan ta...
PALITA: Journal of Social - Religion Research, 2016
Pers function, beside as an information between the public and the government, also could be a transfer of social control and social values and culture in society too. The press can also be a media propaganda that conveys the teachings of Islam and Islamic values to people of Indonesian that dominant of in Muslim. But, in the era of media convergence at this time, press Islam in Indonesia is not able to develop properly. It is caused by a lack of capital from the manager of the press Islam, the lack of professional personal are educated to understand the combination of business activities, editorial, printing techniques and a variety of advanced devices and the lack of interest in reading among Muslims especially the themes of Islam. Thus resulting in less interesting views of Islam with media content that impressed "heavy" to read. Indutrialisasi of mass media today demanded the Islamic press is not the only idealism, but also develop media businesses to finance the smoot...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya konvergensi media dakwah di masa pandemi Covid 19. Media dakwah yang banyak ragamnya dibutuhkan oleh Dai. Di masa pandemi Covid 19 yang tengah mewabah ini, media dakwah menjadi sangat penting sebagai media paling efektif dan aman dalam menyampaikan Islam pada masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, yaitu dengan pendekatan kepustakaan atau studi literatur juga studi analisa media sosial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masa pandemi Covid 19, para ulama, habaib dan kyai menjadikan konvergensi media dakwah sebagai media dakwah Islam untuk meningkatkan kesadaran umat. Adanya konvergensi Media Dakwah ini telah menjadi inovasi baru dalam geliat syiar dakwah Islam. Sejak tanggal kemunculan Covid 19, 31 Desember 2019, subscribers pendakwah nasional pada salah satu platform dakwah telah bertambah 3.149 subscribers. Aplikasi Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Skype adalah media yang paling banyak digunakan oleh para ulam...
Jurnal Public Policy, 2019
The development of information and communication technology is currently endemic to almost every line of people's lives. One of the effects of technological progress is a massive change in the management of mass media companies. The mass media company must be able to increase its capacity in accordance with the technological advances, one of which is by utilizing the presence of other media that have different platforms in a media company management. The use of many media platforms is done by integrating a manual management system into various management systems based on modern technology. Integrating manual systems into various modern systems, in mass media companies is referred to as the process of media convergence. Tempo Media is a large print media company that has also integrated its management system into various types of media platforms. The system change in the Tempo media management certainly had an impact on the changes in policies in carrying out the company.Keyword ...
MEDIALOG: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dari media konvensional ke media online, atau lebih dikenal dengan Konvergensi Media, menyebabkan persaingan yang ketat diantara perusahaan media untuk mempertahankan minat pembaca dan memudahkan pembaca untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diinginkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Efek Konvergensi Media terhadap Pembaca Tribun Timur berdasarkan efek kognitif, afektif, dan behavioral yang dikemukakan oleh Steven H. Chaffee. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Konvergensi Media yang terjadi di Tribun Timur mempengaruhi efek kognitif yaitu memberikan kemudahan mengakses berita dan jangkauannya lebih luas, sehingga pembaca lebih banyak dan cepat mendapatkan informasi. Efek afektif yaitu memberikan banyak pilihan kepada pembaca mengenai konten mana yang ingin digunakan untuk mendapatkan berita. E...
This study is a replication of previous research made by Jose Alberto Gracia Aviles and Miguel Carvajal. They have done an exploration toward the implementation of newsroom convergence on two media institution in Spain. In the case of Indonesia, media newsroom convergence is still growing and need to be explored. Thus, it will be interesting to examine the development of media newsroom convergence in practical level, which adopted by several media in Indonesia. In this far, at least there are two media organization have been implement the concept of newsroom media convergence. Those two media are Tempo and Berita Satu. The model of case study from Robert E. Stake is the underlying method for this research. Selection of media organizations as cases undertaken purposively, which in line with the character model of case study. In order to reach the goal, this research use Giddens structuration theory as the main theory. To do the data collection and analysis we use two main ideas of media newsroom convergence from Aviles and Carvajal, 'integrated' and 'cross media newsroom'. While the description of the newsroom models will be elaborated based on three parameters: (1) newsroom workflow, (2) degree of multi-skilling, and (3) the integration of different cultures Journalistic. The purpose of this research is to convey how the media in Indonesia try to adapt the concept of media newsroom convergence at practical level. Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan upaya replikasi penelitian sejenis dari Jose Alberto Garcia Aviles dan Miguel Carvajal. Mereka melakukan eksplorasi terhadap penerapan newsroom terkonvergensi pada dua organisasi media di Spanyol. Penerapan newsroom terkonvergensi di Indonesia masih belum banyak dieksplorasi, sehingga akan menarik untuk menelaah perkembangan konsep newsroom terkonvergensi pada tataran praktik yang diterapkan oleh organisasi-organisasi media di Indonesia. Sejauh ini setidaknya ada dua organisasi media yang terindikasi mulai menerapkan konsep newsroom terkonvergensi. Kedua media tersebut adalah Tempo dan Berita Satu. Metode dan strategi dalam penelitian yang melandasi penulisan makalah ini adalah studi kasus instrumental dari Robert E. Stake. Pemilihan organisasi media sebagai kasus dan informan dilakukan secara purposif, selaras dengan karakter model studi kasus yang digunakan. Teori utama yang menjadi pisau analisis adalah teori strukturasi Giddens. Konsep model newsroom convergence yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengumpulan data dan analisis meminjam rumusan Aviles dan Carvajal, yaitu integrated dan cross media newsroom. Sementara deskripsi tentang model newsroom akan dijabarkan berdasarkan tiga parameter yang juga diambil dari Aviles dan Carvajal, yaitu ; newsroom workflow, degree of multi-skilling, dan integration of different journalistic cultures. Penelitian ini berusaha melihat bagaimana media di Indonesia mulai menerapkan konsep newsroom terkonvergensi pada tataran praktik. Hasil temuan ini kemudian menjadi bahan untuk dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan strukturasi Giddens untuk memprediksi struktur bidang jurnalisme konvergen di Indonesia di masa mendatang.
Kalijaga Journal of Communication
The newsroom is a place to control news in a mass media. From that room, the editor-in-chief and the editors become important controls to direct the journalists. All editorial crews work with a journalistic code of ethics that is inherent in the profession as a journalist so that it provides various limitations, let alone interferes with independence at work. This study tries to explore the newsroom (newsroom) of Central Java-DIY Metro TV when producing news programs and the various interventions they face. This study uses media political economy theory in a critical paradigm, this study focuses on the structuration process that occurs in the Metro TV newsroom, Central Java-DIY. This study uses an intrinsic case study in a descriptive-qualitative approach. The results showed that there were internal and external interventions in the newsroom. Internal intervention comes from the media business division and external intervention comes from sources within the local government. The edi...
Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization
Media convergence is a concrete step carried out by various mass media in the world as a result of technological transformation and internetization. The presence of the internet encourages the mass media to apply the concept of media convergence such as online media, e-papers, e-books, streaming radio and social media combined with other media. The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of the strategy used by the Sumsel Tribune in the era of media convergence, as well as the challenges faced and innovations made by the Sumsel Tribune in dealing with media convergence. The type of research used in this research is qualitative using the SWOT theory and media convergence theory. The research results reveal (1), the Sumsel Tribune is in the quadrant I position, is getting stronger and has a lot of potential opportunities by implementing an aggressive work strategy, (2) the media convergence system uses the concept of convergence dimensions according to Rich Gordo...
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Jurnal Pewarta Indonesia, 2021