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Dinamika Pengetahuan dan Praktik Pelestarian Padi Lahan Kering pada Komunitas Petani Dayak Kenyah Uma' Tukung di Kalimantan Timur, 2010
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk penyusunan tugas skripsi saya di Departemen Antropologi Universitas Indonesia. Bermula dari kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai pengetahuan dan praktik konservasi masyarakat lokal, saya melihat fenomena dinamisasi pengetahuan dan praktik akibat serangkaian peristiwa ekologis. Proyek penelitian ini berada di bawah supervisi Pusat Kajian Antropologi Universitas Indonesia
Tugas resensi dan sinopsis novel berjudul "Larasati" karya pramoedya Ananta Toer
Narkotika seringkali diidentifikasikan dengan sesuatu yang negatif, merugikan, dan harus dihindari. Namun narkotika memiliki banyak manfaat dalam dunia medis sebagai penghilang rasa
Oleh : Noviyanti (09611009) JURUSAN STATISTIKA FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS ISLAM INDONESIA YOGYAKARTA 2013 2 ANALISIS PROBABILITAS GEMPA TEKTONIK MENGGUNAKAN DISTRIBUSI POISSON DI KABUPATEN BANTUL DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA Disusun oleh : Noviyanti ([email protected]) INTISARI Kabupaten Bantul merupakan wilayah rawan bencana, akibat adanya lempeng aktif di bagian selatan dan pada bagian utara. Dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kecamatan di kabupaten Bantul yang paling rentan gempa tektonik serta uji kelayakan tempat tinggal Peluang terjadinya gempa tektonik untuk masing-masing kecamatan di Kabupaten Bantul rata-rata Pr = 0.4049 dengan probabilitas gempa paling tinggi adalah Kecamatan Kretek (probabilitas 0.9963) dengan 2 kali gempa/tahun. Tingkat kelayakan tempat tinggal , 41% rumah layak. Kelurahan Parangtritis merupakan tingkatkelayakan tempat tinggal paling rendah yaitu 20%. Ketidaklayakan tempat tinggal dikarenakan pondasi tidak sesuai dari segi kedalaman dan bahan, denah rumah yang tidak sederhana dan tidak diberi pemisah, lokasi rumah yang tidak ditempatkan pada tanah yang kuat, tidak memiliki kuda-kuda, serta tidak menggunakan bahan bangunan dengan kualitas baik. Kata-kata kunci : gempa tektonik, peluang, poisson, uji kelayakan tempat tinggal, Kretek
Through this paper (in Bahasa Indonesia) the author reads the text by Kuntowijoyo (an Indonesian historian and sociologist and leader of Muhammadiyah) published in Budaya dan Masyarakat (1987, 2006) with Semiotics and Hermenuetics, throwing light on the way in which Kuntowijoyo sees the relation of Islam, culture, society, humanity, collectivity, and individuality. Indeed, the text is an evidence of the way Kuntowijoyo's epistemological principles are formulated. This paper is an effort of deconstructing the text and discovering meanings, intentions (hidden behind the text) and complex backgrounds against which Kuntowijoyo thinks.
This guideline must be followed by the author that will submit the paper at Jurnal Sistem Informasi Indonesia. Abstract is written in English or Bahasa Indonesia up to 250 words. Abstract should be written using Times New Roman 10pt, single space, italic, justified, and onecolumn format.
This musical composition is a medium change of nirmana fine art into sound. Nirmana is a basic composition of fine art which organizing visual language in a form of level, color, line, dot, and texture. Nirmana means something not meaningful or meaningless. This composition work, therefore, does not mean to convey a message or story, but simply to compose the musical elements including rhythm, melody, and harmony. As the expression media, the composition uses Javanese gamelan combined with saxophone, violin, and cello. The gamelan here just acts as a vehicle or medium of expression. The conventional patterns of gamelan music play covering form, scales, and pathet are not used in this composition.
Oral health and overall health should not be construed as a separate entity because oral health is an integral part of overall health. People who live healthy, then his life will be better quality. Several factors related to health and longevity is a healthy diet, propernutrition, healthy lifestyle, avoiding harmful substances (tobacco, alcohol, and drugs) reducing stress, execise, and emotional life and mental health. Everyone who cares about the health of course understand the relationship between the factors that effect health and longevity. However, there are other factors that neglected its role in overall health. These factor are dental disease and its effect on health. Dental problems can effect many serious diseases, ranging from heart attack, stroke, and idiopathic diseases, such as Meniere's and chronic fatigue syndrome.
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Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis