Italian Fascism and the Olympic Games

Second Annual Conference of the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research, 15-16 March 2019, University of California, Campus of Fullerton.


ENGLISH The fascist regime paid great attention to physical education and sport, understood as both spectator and amateur sport. The Olympic games were a sort of ultimate goal of the Italian sportive organization, as they allowed to test the strength of athletes and to show the world the greatness of the "Italian race" shaped by the regime. The results, however, were not always in line with the expectations. ITALIAN Il regime fascista prestava grande attenzione all'educazione fisica e allo sport, inteso sia come sport spettacolo, sia come pratica amatoriale. Le Olimpiadi erano una sorta di scopo ultimo dell'organizzazione sportiva italiana, perché consentivano di provare la forza degli atleti e di mostrare al mondo la grandezza della "razza italiana" plasmata dal regime. I risultati, tuttavia, non sempre furono conformi alle aspettative.