
2019, Petri Kallio Rocks. Liber semisaecularis 7.2.2019

Finnish, Ingrian, Votic and marginally Karelian show for the verb 'to stand' an unexpected consonant stem seis- (inf. seistä, ppp. seisty, etc.) besides the regular vowel stems seiso-, seisa-, sõisa- (< Proto-Finnic *saisa-). As Finnic shows no parallels of secondary consonant-stem inflection in verbs, I propose to derive this as a relict of a PF *saisë-. This further turns out to be, via the recently proposed soundlaw *a-ë < *ä-ä, regularly derivable from Proto-Uralic *säŋćä- 'to stand still, stop', a previously identified front-vocalic doublet of PU *saŋća- 'to stand'. Fi. seis 'stop!' may retain the original difference in meaning, although the relicization process cannot be reconstructed in detail.