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2018, Theatre Journal…
13 pages
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This is a special review essay on recent publications in drama and theatre studies dealing with religion, theology, and spirituality.
Routledge eBooks, 2017
Contemporary theatre sometimes uses religious language, symbols and poses. What do these references mean? Refiection on four productions shows the usefulness of tools developed in the study of liturgy. First, this helps to produce an account ofthe roles ofthe sacred and of community in theatre shows. Secondly, this throws light on the appearance of religion in "liquid modernity. " Thirdly, the study of religion in theatre shows how boundaries between fields areßuidnot only between arts and religion, but also between the field of arts and the academic field. Both deal with the significance of religion in a world where religious traditions are questioned and used, both in and outside the religious sphere.
Reviews in Religion & Theology, 2017
In this thesis, I position theology and theatre as conversation partners in order to argue that a dynamic, dramatic theology provides a viable and vibrant methodology capable of revealing what Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar identified as the “fire and light” at the heart of theology. This methodology stands firmly on the foundation of revelation through faith, tradition, and reason, but moves beyond this to dramatic encounter and the possibility of participation in the glory of God. At the intersection of theology and theatre I find three Yeses: divine invitation, human response, and divine/human collaboration or synergos. Using Balthasar’s Theo-Drama as a starting point, I engage with both theological and theatrical texts and practices in order to illustrate that the paradigm of gift as well as the aspects of “entering in,” movement, and embodied, live action are found in both disciplines. Four different approaches are utilised to illustrate the third Yes of divine/human collaboration: covenant, the plerosis of incarnation, theatrical and musical improvisation, and the concept of human interconnectivity in twentieth-century philosophy. Two important texts, the biblical book of Job and Luigi Pirandello’s play, Six Characters in Search of an Author, serve as proving grounds for the presence of the third Yes in both theology and theatre. By allowing the dialectic of divine initiative and human responsibility to play out within the context of drama, I seek to make room for a third way, one which is not biased toward either a theology from above or a theology from below, but one which reflects the ongoing dramatic encounter between divine and human actors.
This Book, CHRISTIAN DRAMA AND APPLICATIONS OF BIBLICAL DOCTRINES has dissected the Biblical Doctrines as they apply to the Drama Ministry. The Book paints the pictures of the Christian Drama as a tool derived from the Doctrine of The Holy Bible to bring more illumination into the darkened hearts of sinful men and revival to the Body of Christ. This book is not just for the Drama Ministry and Drama Ministers; but for everyone in the household of Faith who desires to be used in these last days. This book explains the place of the Roles and Power of the Holy Spirit in Drama Ministry. In addition, the Book also examines the Ministerial Applications of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This book is a complete academic and spiritual package comprising five different sections. Each of the sections is garnished with different Spirit-filled topics. It is not possible to read this book and remain the same ministerially and in other areas. As an academic compendium, this book is meant to validate the truism of drama ministrations as God's Word. Some lessons studied in seminaries are now available for drama ministers who come in through the Mount Zion Institute of Christian Drama.
Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture, 2012
The essay seeks to demonstrate why it is critically important for theology to come to terms with the significance of revelation as divine theater. Revelation as divine theater entails that theology has a performative focus as it addresses the church’s distinctive life and its engagement of culture.
Drama has always been a transformative tool for societal change, spiritual enlightenment, political reformation, and cultural representation. In this book, "Christian Drama and the Society," the author:. Mike Bamiloye delves into the depths of this fascinating subject, exploring the far-reaching impacts and critical roles of Christian drama in our contemporary society. With a careful and insightful examination, the Author presents a comprehensive study of Christian drama and its implications within various societal contexts. This book serves as both an instructional manual and a guide, shedding light on Christian Drama's vital role in our world's spiritual, political and cultural landscape.
Hindu Practice, 2020
The Indian publishing team changed the page numbers at the very end, without previous notice. Therefore, cross references are wrong. I shall publish an errata about it.
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Afro Asian Journal of social sciences, 2019
American Jewish History, 2003
Imagining Human Rights in 21st Theatre: Global Perspectives, 2013
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management, 2024
Journal of Religion and Theatre, 2006
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 2003
Cahiers Elisabéthains, 2011