Le Psaume 57 comme Prière

2003, Le Psaume 57 comme Prière. L’apport de l’esthétique de la réception à l’exégèse biblique, in: RvSR 4/77 (2003) 497-511


Since the seventies, the Constance's school has begun the setting of the theory of the aesthetic in the reception. Using the same approach, the author sets up the question concerning the structures of the Psalms which are inviting the reader to a directly related to himself understanding of those kinds of texts. The first part of this article analyses the Psalm 57, particulary concerning its art of the theater made with both ambigous and blank verses. The second one deals with the second reading of the Psalm 57 through the Psalm-book where the Psalm 108 is formed with the Psalms 57 and 60 together. With regard to the aesthetic in the reception, the Psalm 108 has to be read as a new composition offering a new reading orientation to its two original texts.