A crítica basilar sobre Eça de Queirós no Brasil.pdf

This article aims to analyze two founding texts of the Brazilian Queirosian critique. On the one hand, the first journalistic text about the work of Eça de Queirós signed by Machado de Assis in the Rio newspaper O Cruzeiro, 1878; on the other side, the first published book on the life and work of the Portuguese writer Eça de Queirós, written in 1911 by Miguel Mello. We have verified how these readings have thrown critical tendencies and were conceived as the cornerstone of the Queirós studies in the country, highlighting the critical method of each text and valuing the intellectual field of the moments of production. In order to carry out this brief study, we have the theoretical-critical support of Carlos Reis (2000), Benjamin Abdala Júnior (2000), Paulo Franchetti (2000), José Maria Bello (1952) and Machado da Rosa (1964) to reflect the controversies and misunderstandings in the genesis of Brazilian literary criticism about Eça de Queirós.