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2011, Poetika bajke
479 pages
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Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku, 2012
У ра ду се при по вет ка Сан сме ֵноֱ чо ва ка До сто јев ског са гле да ва из перспек ти ве сна, као ње ног са др жин ског и струк тур ног је згра, и то при ме ном Јунго ве ме то де ту ма че ња сно ва, бу ду ћи да је реч о ар хе тип ском сну, ко ји по ти че из ко лек тив ног не све сног. Ра све тља ва њем "там них ме ста" и не ло гич но сти у при пове ци, ко је се не мо гу от кло ни ти уко ли ко се сан по сма тра са ста но ви шта све сти, ука зу је се и на ин тер пре та тив ну ли ни ју ко ја од Сна сме ֵноֱ чо ве ка во ди ка Бра ћи Ка ра ма зо ви ма. Кључ не ре чи: До сто јев ски, Сан сме ֵноֱ чо ве ка, ту ма че ње сно ва, К. Г. Јунг, ду бин ска пси хо ло ги ја, не све сно, ар хе ти по ви, рај, Адам, Христ
Serbian and Orthodox surnames of eastern Bilogora
Zbornik Matice srpska za filologiju i lingvistiku, 2023
U radu se na primerima izvornih i adaptiranih srpskih narodnih bajki posmatraju jezička sredstva kojima se menja perspektiva čitaoca na radnju i likove. Vodeći se rezultatima lingvističkih i antropološko-lingvističkih istraživanja, sagledavamo kako jezički postupci agentizacije/deagentizacije, obezličavanja rečenice, rečenične distribucije vršioca i predmeta radnje i njihove međusobne transformacije, izbora upravnih glagola predikacije i eventizacije radnje utiču na stvaranje drugačije, savremene slike sveta. In the paper, using the examples of original and adapted Serbian folk tales, we observe linguistic means that change the reader’s perspective on the plot and characters. Relying on the results of linguistic and anthropological-linguistic research, we look at how the linguistic processes of agentization/deagentization, depersonalization of the sentence, sentence distribution of the doer and the object of the action and their mutual transformation, the choice of governing verbs of predication and eventization of the action influence the creation of a different, contemporary images of the world.
Стои таму насред морскиот теснец Како обелиск Посветен на сонцето. Покажува пат На тешките бродови Што се лизгаат Низ соленото синило. Сјае постојан, неподвижен Сигурен како татковата куќа Ние скитаме, се губиме Паѓаме под ударите На оваа или онаа животна бура. Тој спокојно чека на пиедесталот Со трепкање над водата Цела ноќ е светлост зад стаклото Нема сон за неговите жар-очи Бдее фенерот. Забоден во морското дно. Не му е гајле. За дождот, за ветерот, за брановите, за бурата Не се предава... трае...
Dušan Janković and Fashion Dušan Janković (1894-1950), who was studied and lived in Paris, was occupied with fashion, just as much as he was with other forms of artistic creation, the design and illustration of books, posters, porcelain and ceramics, interior design, graphic printing and architecture.
Трансформација књижевне јунакиње Сили од жртве до самосвесне индивидуе у роману Боја пурпура Алис Вокер, 2023
In this paper we focused on the transformation of the main character in the novel The Color Purple, Celie, through the letters she writes to God and her sister Nettie. We contrastively analysed the original text and its Serbian translation. In this paper we followed Celie’s path from an insecure and molested girl, to a confident and emancipated individual which can be observed in the development of her language and writing style. There are three types of letters within the novel: (a) letters written to God; (b) let-ters which introduce her transformation; (c) letters written to Celie’s sister Nettie. The insecurity of the protagonist is mirrored in her language which is a stylised version of African American English. The Serbian translation employed linguistic features that don’t belong to any particular dialect, but rather represent an approximation of the way undereducated people would speak. The beginning of the novel is characterised by short sentences, repeti-tive lexicon and the use of the prolonged underscore ______. In the second half of the novel the sentences become longer and the vocabulary richer. Going through the transformation from a victim of dire circumstances to a self-aware individual that accepts herself and her language, Celie represents a character of the Afro-American woman in specific historical circumstances. In addition to Celie, the transformation can be seen in other side characters, especially on the level of onomastics.▶ Key words: The Color Purple, Alice Walker, translation, epistolary novel, transformation.Sources1. Voker, A. (2018) Boja purpura. Beograd: Laguna.2. Walker, A. (2011) The Color Purple. New York: Open Road Integrated Media.
Научни скуп „Савремена књижевност за децу у науци и настави“ , 2010
This paper made reference to the origin of the fantasy elements in modern prose literature for children is made. It will indicate that the Macedonian fantasy literature for children has two sources. The first source is the influence of the writers from Western Europe and world literature, and the second one is the folklore, precisely fairy tales and fables. Moreover, according to the known differences between fairy tales and fables, the literature for children and youths from the fable has taken over the following elements: pointing personal names to the characters, as well as the exact time and place of the setting, which is typical for fables but not for fairy tales; appearance of supernatural phenomena causes astonishment and excitement, but not fear, as in the fables; in the fable the hero is the narrator who is one of the characters in the text, and according to the prescribed narrative rule the words of the narrator of the text cannot be a subject to the test of truth because as a character his words does not need to be true i.e. as a character in the text he can lie, which contributes to the uncertainty in coming to a conclusion of what had happened which is the main characteristic of the fantasy literature.
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Knjizevna istorija, 2012
Doktorska disertacija, 2016
Jezik, književnost, vreme: književna istraživanja, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u NIšu, 2017.
Savremeno predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje – tendencije, izazovi i mogućnosti, 2023
Zbornik Matice srpske za književnost i jezik, 2022
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti [Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts], 2005
Zbornik Matice srpske za književnost i jezik, 2020
Историјски часопис / Historical review, 2012
Srpski jezik, književnost, umetnost - Zbornik radova sa XIV Međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog na FILUM-u Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Tako male stvari: Intimno u književnosti i kulturi, knjiga II, Kragujevac, 2020