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Düşünbil Dergisi Portalı, 2017
İleride Gılgamış Destanına ait eksiksiz bir el yazmasının keşfedileceğini öngörmek gerçekçi midir? Iclal Vanwesenbeeck, konu hakkındaki en yeni keşifleri Gılgamış’ın tercümanı ve Asurolog Benjamin Foster’la tartışıyor.
Historic inscriptions indicate the identity of historical buildings. They are the most reliable and fundamental first-hand resources of information in the historiography of architectural monuments if they are inscribed in their main body. There exist two tombs in the area of Karagan, which are called Karagan Tombs of The Selchuk Period in the literature of art history. Like most structures from the Seljuk era, the inscriptions on both tombs are visible. A part of these inscriptions have survived up to the current day; however, other parts have been destroyed over time. In this article, the inscriptions on Karagan tombs are focused and examined considering the information about the construction of the tombs and the titles of the architects.
Toplumun yeter miktarda ve kalitede yani besin değeri yüksek GIDA alması halk sağlığının TEMEL taşıdır. Bu sağlanamadığı takdirde HALK yeterli enerji, protein ve MİKRO yani ESER element alamayacağından önemli sağlık sorunları ile kaşılacaktır. Bu çalışmada amacımız HALK sağlığının temeli olan tarımsal üretimindeki darboğazları tespit edip çözüm önerilerinde bulunmak ve konuyu tartışmaya açmaktır. Gıda sorunu bütün ülkeler için STRATEJİKTİR. Kalkınmış veya bu alanda gelişme kaydeden ülkeler önce TARIM sektörünü ele almış ve yeter düzey ve kalitede GIDA ve var ise sanayi hammmadesi Üretimini sağlamışlar ve sanayie DÜZENLİ bir işgücü akımını garantiye almışlardır. Tarladan Halka uzanan zincirdeki aksaklıklara işaret etmeye dönük olan bu ARAŞTIRMA değişik kaynaklardan elde ettiğimiz bilgilere dayanmaktadır. Umarız, aksi görüşte olanlar da belge ve bilgilerle karşı görüşlerini ortaya koyarak DOĞRUNUN bulunmasına ve bu suretle Ülkemiz için büyük önem taşıyan bir sorunun çözümüne katkıda bulunurlar. Özellikle büyük tarımsal potansiyeli olan Doğu ve Güneydoğu illerindeki ÇÖZÜM ürecinde de bu DOĞRUYU bulma çalışması, yöre halkının refahına ve Genel olarak HALK sağlığı ve hatta Ödemeler dengesi üzerinde de olumlu etkiler yapacaktır. Toprak Bitki Hayvan İnsan arasındaki beslenme zinciri anlaşılmadan önceki dönemlerde hayvan ve insanlarda fosfor eksikliğinden kaynaklanan kemik zayıflığı, bitkilerin yetersiz beslenmesinden kaynaklanan vitamin eksikliğinin yol açtığı hastalıklar, otlayan hayvanlarda bakır ve kobalt eksikliğnden kaynaklanan hastalıklar yaygındı. Keza, daha sağlıklı beslenme sonucu bazı virus ve bakterilerin aktivetinden doğan hastalıklar azalmış ve insanların beklenen ömründeki uzama da kısmen de olsa daha sağlıklı ve ucuz tarımsal üretimin sonucudur.1 sayfa 28. Aşağıdaki bölümlerde önce BESLENME ZİNCİRİNİN en önemli unsurları olan MAKRO VE MIKRO ELEMENTLER VE TOPRAK ele alınacak ve daha sonra ülkemiz ve gelişmiş ülke uygulamaları çerçevesinde ZİNCİRİN aksayan yönlerinin düzeltilmesi için konu üzerinde teknik özelliklere de merak duymuş bir İKTİSATÇININ BAKIŞ AÇISIYLA önerilerde bulunulacaktır.
The State Theatre is responsible for theatre that is one of performing arts in Turkey. There are also other active theatres in Turkey that are called private theatres. These theatres belong to certain persons, they have special artistic purposes and they deal with these purposes with their own budget. They can also be defined as little producing units depending on sharing the same labour. When working conditions of these private theatres are analyzed, it is understood that these theatres try to survive with their own budget and they lack some technical opportunities. Aimed result of this research is to analyze costume obtaining process of these theatres and to be able to help them with certain suggestions that will limit some problems they particularly face. Material of the research consists of certain data that is gathered with the help of surveys from different private theatres all around Turkey and other sources about this case. The research is a screening model. That is why, just after consulting some experts about the case, a survey as a measurement vehicle is created in order to determine costume obtaining process, people in charge, costume preparing process, costume producing process, costumes after usage, required financial sources, etc. The survey is applied on 69 private theatres out of theatres of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism (2010-2011). In order to determine validity/ reliability of the co-efficient of the measured variant, certain test results of Cronbach Alfa (α) are controlled, and validity and reliability (α = 0,648) of 43 questions of the survey are found valid. The obtained data is analyzed with the help of SPSS software. This research, which is done in order to analyze costume obtaining process in the private theatres, gives out data which is gathered through estimating frequency and percentile. Numeric and percentage degree of the data are given out in cross tables in accordance with their working period. vi According to the obtained data, the private theatres are in search of sponsor in order to have financial support because of the problems they face. Providing process in costume producing, giving no adequate time for costume preparing process, lacking technical needs in designing process cause these problems. With the result of the survey, it is realized that designers working in the private theatres are not able to put forth products of high-quality because of the problems they face.
TRADE UNIONS' VIEW TO IRREGULAR MİGRATION IN TURKEY: THE CASE OF ISTANBUL The topics of international migration and migrant workers have been increasingly discussed by social scientists, many research have tried to understand the effects of international migration on labour markets and trade unions. The reasons leading workforce to move across borders, migrant workers' working conditions, migrant workers' effect on source and destination countries are explored by different disciplines and in different scopes. But analysing the issue of international migration from the perspective of trade unions is rather a new concern and studies in this field are rather limited. The aim of this thesis is to analyse trade unions' and employer organizations' approach to irregular migration to Turkey. For this aim, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with the presidents of local branches of trade unions and the administrators of the employer organizations in the selected sectors. Additionally, general assembly resolutions of confederations' (TURK-IS, DISK, HAK-IS) have been analysed. According to the findings of this research both trade unions and employer organizations have no specific strategy towards irregular migrants. Further, both trade unions and employer organizations do not have a positive attitude about migrant workers' who work in Turkey. One of the most important reasons behind this is the high unemployment rate in Turkey.
Graduate Final Homework, 2019
The Khazars have an important reputation in Turkish history. In addition to accepting Judaism at a time when Islam was born and spreading rapidly, they also owe their reputation to extraordinary practices in state administration. But this awareness has given them some mystery; some have returned to a bad reputation. Because even today, many investigative historians do not want to accept the fact that the Khazars adopted Judaism, but they tried to put forward arguments.
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