21 Fazal Hadi Platability 28.2 Formatted.pdf

2018, IJBB

Pakistan has great diversity of culture, civilization and plant resources. The present research work was carried out in the historical Kalash valley district Chitral that inhabits people with unique and indigenous culture, language and is considered to be the descendants of Alexander the Great. A detail survey was carried out to document the plants and their parts preferred by sheep, goats and cows in the valley. The cow grazed on 47 plant species, of these, 20 were highly palatable, 18 mostly palatable and 9 were less palatable. Whole plants of 25, leaves of 19, shoots of 2 and flower of 1 species were preferred by the cow. Goats grazed on 65 species, of which 20 each were highly palatable and less palatable, 21 mostly palatable and 4 were rarely palatable. Whole plants of 26, leaves of 24, shoots of 14 and fruit of one species were preferred by goats. Sheep grazed on 42 species, of which 18 were mostly palatable, 13 highly palatable, 10 less palatable and one species was rarely palatable. Whole plants of 17, leaves of 13, shoots of 10 and fruit of one species were preferred by sheep. Cattle rearing are main and traditional source of income generation for the Kalash people. Grazing is one of the factors that reduced the rangeland vegetation, species occurrence and caused decline in distribution of medicinal plants in the area.