Rhizomatic thinking and the Bible


In this lecture I would like to continue the Deleuzian and Deleuze-Guattarian way of thinking in a new direction, through a re-reading of the scriptures. Using their method, I will offer a different understanding of an ontology that will assist me in deconstructing the arboresent philosophy, to a two-trunks structure, from which, one can hope, an aporian rhizomatic model for philosophy will evolve. This schizo-analytic thought might use the inner relations between two ontologies as the ürsprung of western culture: one is the apparent, known ontology based on Greek and pre-Socratic thought, deriving from the philosophy of nature and the quest after the Logos of things, which dissolved into Christianity and construct our minds, and the other -discreet (even as if "known" to everybody) ontology based upon what I call -the rhizomatic thinking of Old Testament editor. 1