2009, CERM, Civil Engineering Research Magazine, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.


The beams are considered as a common element in our practical life and the cost of steel reinforcement is high. Thus, this paper searches for the economic percentage of reinforcement of R.C. sections. The beam is constrained by two hinged supports in the first model and is constrained by roller support at one end and hinged support at the other end in the second model. The effect of reinforcement on the failure load of reinforced concrete beams is studied to obtain the best economic percentage of reinforcement. A parametric study was carried out on 480 finite element models of reinforced concrete beams to investigate the significance of beam dimensions (length, depth and width), beam supports and the percentage reinforcement on the failure load. The investigation was conducted using the Computer program "OpenSeeS" [2], which is a finite element education package capable of performing the nonlinear analysis. This paper presents curves for estimating the difference in failure load between the minimum and maximum percentages of reinforcement.

Key takeaways

  • Osama Salem (1) , Arafa El-Helloty (2) (1) Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt .
  • In plastic analysis, the ultimate load of a structure as a whole is regarded as the design criterion.
  • This does not imply failure as the beam can continue to carry additional load.
  • The failure load of the beam has been calculated.
  • 2-Deflection of beam with average percentage of reinforcement ranges from 57% to 70% when beam length ranges from 4 to 6m.