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With many co-authors: Allesandro Caforio, Ali Rashidi, Ana maria Cotovonu, Denis Riabov, Dimitar Ivanchev, Mirolyba Madjarova, Imma Miralles, Joce LLorka, Persa Tserkezou, Luka Cerniglia, Mario Spatafora, Vaso Anastasoupoulou
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 2020
ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood. The number of children with ADHD increases every year. Most of the teachers working in schools and kindergartens are not educated enough to use appropriate methods while working with these students. That is the reason why some Universities included the ADHD as vocational elective course in their programs. The aim of this research is to ensure and increase the knowledge and information’s of teacher’s candidates about ADHD before their work with children. In this research we decided to analyze the effects of the ADHD as vocational elective course for the students from Canakkale 18 Mart University in Turkey. Questionnaire before and after taking the course was applied on students who attended it, in a period of three months. The group consisted 20 females, from two different departments at the Faculty of Education: Pre-school Teachers and Primary School Teachers. The implemented pre and post questionnaire contained four questions. The data were analyzed using the content analysis method and the questions were analyzed with the MAXQDA Analytics Pro 2020 program. Codes and sub-codes were created with purpose to analyze and interpret the answers given to each question through content analysis. In the research, it was seen that the conceptual learning about ADHD was increased and the teacher candidates learned what should be done about children with ADHD. Within the framework of the research results, it is recommended to make observations during the diagnosis process of the ADHD student, and to conduct practical studies for functional measures for ADHD in the classroom. Keywords: Teacher candidates, ADHD course, teacher education, vocational elective course
The National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) has received authorization from the authors to publish their articles. Statements contained in the articles are the personal views of the authors. They bear full responsibility for the accuracy of references, quotations, tables, figures, and permission from copyright holders. These articles are published in the language they were submitted.
Education Sciences, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Objectives: ADHD affects 3% to 5% of school-age children. Clinical and community based epidemiological studies in Pakistan have shown a high prevalence of ADHD among school going children. A thorough review of literature shows that no studies of teachers\u27 training programs regarding ADHD have been published in Pakistani research literature. The aim of the present study is the development and evaluation of an ADHD training program for teachers. Methods: A teachers\u27 training program for ADHD was designed and a pilot run in 3 schools of Karachi, Pakistan. Teachers knowledge regarding signs and symptoms of ADHD was tested before and after the workshop and then again after 6 months using an ADHD knowledge questionnaire. Results: Forty-nine teachers, all of them women, completed the questionnaires before and after the training program, and 35 of them filled it out at the 6-month interval. Mean scores of these tests were compared using a paired t test. The authors found the differenc...
Currents in Teaching and Learning
Currents-to-go is an occasional feature in Currents in Teaching and Learning, providing higher-education teachers across the disciplines with handy guides to topics of current interest. Each Currents-to-go guide will be numbered (collect the set!), and will include a brief introduction to and overview of the issue or problem, a list of teaching strategies or classroom practices designed to address it, and references for further reading. This article is on ADHD. Download may be slow, as the full issue will be uploaded.
Journal of Attention Disorders, 2020
ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed childhood conditions. Meta-analytically pooled data (Polanczyk et al., 2007; Thomas et al., 2015) provide estimates of 5%-7% (95% CI = 5.01-5.56; 6.7-7.8 respectively) in school-aged children, equating to approximately one child per classroom (Dalsgaard et al., 2014) and if left untreated, can lead to significant, functional impairments. The prevalence rate in adults is estimated to be 2.5% (95% CI = 2.1-3.1; Simon et al., 2009) evelopmentally inappropriate levels of inattention and/or impulsivity-hyperactivity create problems in school, disrupting learning and peer relationships (American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Daley & Birchwood, 2010; Loe & Feldman, 2007). The classroom behavior of children with ADHD can also negatively impact learning for other students and teachers (DuPaul & Stoner, 2016; Wheeler & Carlson, 1994). Academic underachievement for children with ADHD can have lifelong implications associated with poor academic and vocational progression, social skills and relationships, poor mental health, and criminality (Langberg & Becker, 2012; Montgomery et al., 2018; Parker et al., 2013), yet few studies investigating teacher training interventions report follow-up measures to show long-term effects; those that do are limited to 6 months post-intervention (e.g., Both et al., 2016) making it difficult to assess the long-term benefit of the training. Given that the average child spends over 13,000 hr in compulsory school education (Long, 2019; Rutter, 1979), it is critical to find effective interventions in schools to support children with ADHD. One of the main treatment recommendations for ADHD, alongside pharmacological treatment, involve behavioral interventions (
Napredak, 2011
osim na matiènom fakultetu predavaè i na PMF-u, Filozofskom fakultetu, Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti te na Sveuèilištu u Rijeci. Podruèja znanstvenog interesa vezana su mu uz trihotomiju poremeaeaja u ponašanju, agresivnost, epistemologiju i metodologiju znanosti te didaktiku. Mentor je studenata na preddiplomskim, diplomskim i doktorskim studijima. 2 Jasna Kudek Miroševiae je defektologinja/rehabilitator, zaposlena kao struèni suradnik, savjetnik. Dugogodišnja je voditeljica Županijskog struènog vijeaea defektologa/rehabilitatora osnovnih škola grada Zagreba. Èlanica je ispitnog povjerenstva za polaganje struènih ispita struènih suradnika defektologa/rehabilitatora u redovnim školama. Vanjska je suradnica Uèiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Podružnica u Petrinji, u nastavnom zvanju višeg predavaèa.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) remains one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, with prevalence reaching 5%-9% in school age children and 60%-63% of the disorder will persist to adolescent and adult. Symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the hallmark of this disorder. In adult, ADHD causes social interaction dysfunction, academic problem, problem in maintaining work, problem in finishing task, problem in maintaining relationship, and poor impulse control so they are prone to anti-social behavior and drug or alcohol abuse. Comprehensive management of ADHD in childhood is urgently needed. The effectiveness of pharmacotherapy, as the standard therapy for ADHD beside behavioral therapy and psychoeducation, is hindered its side effects. One of the proposed supporting therapies for children with ADHD is occupational therapy, a field which focuses in optimization of health and human potential through the use of occupation or activity...
BMC Psychiatry, 2013
Background: ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that persists into adulthood. Its symptoms cause impairments in a number of social domains, one of which is employment. We wish to produce a consensus statement on how ADHD affects employment. Methods: This consensus development conference statement was developed as a result of a joint international meeting held in July 2010. The consensus committee was international in scope (United Kingdom, mainland Europe, United Arab Emirates) and consisted of individuals from a broad range of backgrounds (Psychiatry, Occupational Medicine, Health Economists, Disability Advisors). The objectives of the conference were to discuss some of the occupational impairments adults with ADHD may face and how to address these problems from an inclusive perspective. Furthermore the conference looked at influencing policy and decision making at a political level to address impaired occupational functioning in adults with ADHD and fears around employing people with disabilities in general. Results: The consensus was that there were clear weaknesses in the current arrangements in the UK and internationally to address occupational difficulties. More so, Occupational Health was not wholly integrated and used as a means of making positive changes to the workplace, but rather as a superfluous last resort that employers tried to avoid. Furthermore the lack of cross professional collaboration on occupational functioning in adults with ADHD was a significant problem. Conclusions: Future research needs to concentrate on further investigating occupational functioning in adults with ADHD and pilot exploratory initiatives and tools, leading to a better and more informed understanding of possible barriers to employment and potential schemes to put in place to address these problems.
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INTED2017 Proceedings, 2017
Developmental Neuropsychology, 1999
Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 1993
Trials, 2021
Focus on Exceptional Children, 2017
Exceptionality, 2006
Journal of Attention Disorders, 2012
Journal of Attention Disorders, 2010
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 2013
Revista Ecuatoriana De Neurologia, 2019
South African Journal of Communication Disorders
Journal of Employment Counseling, 1998