Kartvelian-Sumerian-Egyptian Linguoculturology, Part V.pdf

Kartvelian-Sumerian-Egyptian Linguoculturology


Part V Mesopotamian Symbols and Kartuli Asomtavruli Doni The present work is the translation of Part V of my monograph titled Kartvelian-Sumerian-Egyptian Linguoculturology. It was published in Georgian in 2011. Although it is connected with the previous four parts of the book, it can still be read as an independent piece. This section of the book, Mesopotamian Symbols and Kartuli Asomtavruli Doni, deciphers both the graphics and semantics of Sumerian divine and royal insignia avoiding decipherment for centuries. They include ‘the Rod and Ring’, ‘the Ring-Poles’, ‘the Fertility Vase’ and various pieces of jewelry intimately connected with the mentioned symbols. Graphically, all these items originate from Letter Doni (#4) of the first Kartuli Asomtavruli alphabet. This letter is one of the divinity letter-signs of the alphabet and symbolizes not only the Sun-God, but the entire solar astronomy. Being the derivatives of the Kartuli Asomtavruli Doni, the Sumerian divine and royal insignia and divine and royal accessories acquire the astronomical knowledge hidden in the Kartvelian letter. Sections of this work were presented at five RAI-s: RAI-51, Chicago 2005; RAI-52, Munster 2006; RAI-53, Mocow-St. Petersburg 2007; RAI-57, Rome 2011. Currently, the rest of the book is being translated into English, and each part will be uploaded upon completion.