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The origin of the agriculture was one of the turning points in human history, and a central part of this was the evolution of new plant forms, domesticated crops. Seed dispersal and germination are two key traits which have been selected to facilitate cultivation and harvesting of crops. The objective of this study was to analyze anatomical structure of seed coat and pod, identify metabolic compounds associated with water-impermeable seed coat and differentially expressed genes involved in pea seed dormancy and pod dehiscence. Comparative anatomical, metabolomics, and transcriptomic analyses were carried out on wild dormant, dehiscent Pisum elatius (JI64, VIR320) and cultivated, indehiscent Pisum sativum non-dormant (JI92, Cameor) and recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Considerable differences were found in texture of testa surface, length of macrosclereids, and seed coat thickness. Histochemical and biochemical analyses indicated genotype related variation in composition and heterogeneity of seed coat cell walls within macrosclereids. Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry and Laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry of separated seed coats revealed significantly higher contents of proanthocyanidins (dimer and trimer of gallocatechin), quercetin, and myricetin rhamnosides and hydroxylated fatty acids in dormant compared to non-dormant genotypes. Bulk Segregant Analysis coupled to high throughput RNA sequencing resulted in identification of 770 and 148 differentially expressed genes between dormant and non-dormant seeds or dehiscent and indehiscent pods, respectively. The expression of 14 selected dormancy-related genes was studied by qRT-PCR. Of these, expression pattern of four genes: porin (MACE-S082), peroxisomal membrane PEX14-like protein (MACE-S108), 4-coumarate CoA ligase (MACE-S131), and UDP-glucosyl transferase (MACE-S139) was in Hradilová et al.
The origin of the agriculture was one of the turning points in human history, and a central part of this was the evolution of new plant forms, domesticated crops. Seed dispersal and germination are two key traits which have been selected to facilitate cultivation and harvesting of crops. The objective of this study was to analyze anatomical structure of seed coat and pod, identify metabolic compounds associated with water-impermeable seed coat and differentially expressed genes involved in pea seed dormancy and pod dehiscence. Comparative anatomical, metabolomics, and transcriptomic analyses were carried out on wild dormant, dehiscent Pisum elatius (JI64, VIR320) and cultivated, indehiscent Pisum sativum non-dormant (JI92, Cameor) and recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Considerable differences were found in texture of testa surface, length of macrosclereids, and seed coat thickness. Histochemical and biochemical analyses indicated genotype related variation in composition and heterogeneity of seed coat cell walls within macrosclereids. Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry and Laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry of separated seed coats revealed significantly higher contents of proanthocyanidins (dimer and trimer of gallocatechin), quercetin, and myricetin rhamnosides and hydroxylated fatty acids in dormant compared to non-dormant genotypes. Bulk Segregant Analysis coupled to high throughput RNA sequencing resulted in identification of 770 and 148 differentially expressed genes between dormant and non-dormant seeds or dehiscent and indehiscent pods, respectively. The expression of 14 selected dormancy-related genes was studied by qRT-PCR. Of these, expression pattern of four genes: porin (MACE-S082), peroxisomal membrane PEX14-like protein (MACE-S108), 4-coumarate CoA ligase (MACE-S131), and UDP-glucosyl transferase (MACE-S139) was in
The aim of this work is the study of one of the key genetic principles in domestication traits in pea-pod dehiscence by comparative analysis of wild and domesticated pea genotypes. Pod dehiscence is one of various mechanisms of seed spreading into their surroundings for the purposes of species preservation. Wild pea after maturing pods suddenly opens and fruits are scattered far and wide. This undesirable characteristic is for humans problematic because collection pea pod when touched if bursts is difficult and may cause yield loss in legumes before or during harvest. Pea is an example of crops that have undergone a process of domestication. Non-pod dehiscence, non-dormant seeds or bigger seeds are domestication traits that differentiate cultural kinds from wild species peas. There was evaluated a group of several RILs formed by crossbreeding of contrast parent genotypes of wild JI 64 Pisum sativum ssp. elatius L. and cultural pea JI92 Pisum sativum ssp. sativum L. This work was preceded by the method called MACE (Massive Analysis of cDNA Ends) to identify differences in gene expression during pod maturation. The expression of a selected gene was determined using qRT-PCR for pod dehiscence.
Legume seeds are a major source of dietary proteins for humans and animals. Deciphering the genetic control of their accumulation is thus of primary significance towards their improvement. At first, we analysed the genetic variability of the pea seed proteome of three genotypes over 3 years of cultivation. This revealed that seed protein composition variability was under predominant genetic control, with as much as 60% of the spots varying quantitatively among the three genotypes. Then, by combining proteomic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping approaches, we uncovered the genetic architecture of seed proteome variability. Protein quantity loci (PQL) were searched for 525 spots detected on 2-D gels obtained for 157 recombinant inbred lines. Most protein quantity loci mapped in clusters, suggesting that the accumulation of the major storage protein families was under the control of a limited number of loci. While convicilin accumulation was mainly under the control of cis-regulatory regions, vicilins and legumins were controlled by both cis-and trans-regulatory regions. Some loci controlled both seed protein composition and protein content and a locus on LGIIa appears to be a major regulator of protein composition and of protein in vitro digestibility.
Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen, 1991
The legJ subfamily of genes in garden pea, Pisum sativum L., encodes "minor" legumin seed storage protein polypeptides. Data on the differential expression of the 3 genes (legJ,K,L) within this subfamily is reported. The expression of one gene (legJ) is specifically upregulated during the desiccation phase of cotyledon development, when other storage protein genes are downregulated. The complete sequence of a second gene in the subfamily, legK, shows that the failure to observe any expression ofthis gene is due to the mutation of its initiator ATG (methionine) codon to a GTG (valine) codon. The third gene in the subfamily, legL, shows maximal expression during the cotyledon expansion phase of seed development, Le. like other storage protein genes. Evidence for the use of alternative polyadenylation addition signal sequences in these genes is also presented.
The seed-to-seedling transition is a crucial step in the plant life cycle. The transition occurs at the end of seed germination and corresponds to the initiation of embryonic root growth. To improve our understanding of how a seed transforms into a seedling, we germinated the Pisum sativum L. seeds for 72 h and divided them into samples before and after radicle protrusion. Before radicle protrusion, seeds survived after drying and formed normally developed seedlings upon rehydration. Radicle protrusion increased the moisture content level in seed axes, and the accumulation of ROS first generated in the embryonic root and plumule. The water and oxidative status shift correlated with the desiccation tolerance loss. Then, we compared RNA sequencing-based transcriptomics in the embryonic axes isolated from pea seeds before and after radicle protrusion. We identified 24,184 differentially expressed genes during the transition to the post-germination stage. Among them, 2101 genes showed m...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Due to low culturing costs and high seed protein contents, legumes represent the main global source of food protein. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the major legume crops, impacting both animal feed and human nutrition. Therefore, the quality of pea seeds needs to be ensured in the context of sustainable crop production and nutritional efficiency. Apparently, changes in seed protein patterns might directly affect both of these aspects. Thus, here, we address the pea seed proteome in detail and provide, to the best of our knowledge, the most comprehensive annotation of the functions and intracellular localization of pea seed proteins. To address possible intercultivar differences, we compared seed proteomes of yellow- and green-seeded pea cultivars in a comprehensive case study. The analysis revealed totally 1938 and 1989 nonredundant proteins, respectively. Only 35 and 44 proteins, respectively, could be additionally identified after protamine sulfate precipitation (PSP), potentia...
International journal of molecular sciences, 2017
Seed coats of six pea genotypes contrasting in dormancy were studied by laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). Multivariate statistical analysis discriminated dormant and non-dormant seeds in mature dry state. Separation between dormant and non-dormant types was observed despite important markers of particular dormant genotypes differ from each other. Normalized signals of long-chain hydroxylated fatty acids (HLFA) in dormant JI64 genotype seed coats were significantly higher than in other genotypes. These compounds seem to be important markers likely influencing JI64 seed imbibition and germination. HLFA importance was supported by study of recombinant inbred lines (JI64xJI92) contrasting in dormancy but similar in other seed properties. Furthemore HLFA distribution in seed coat was studied by mass spectrometry imaging. HLFA contents in strophiole and hilum are significantly lower compared to other parts indicating their role in water uptake. Results from LDI-MS ex...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2010
Extractability, extractable protein compositions, technological-functional properties of pea (Pisum sativum) proteins from six genotypes grown in Serbia were investigated. Also, the relationship between these characteristics was presented. Investigated genotypes showed significant differences in storage protein content, composition and extractability. The ratio of vicilin:legumin concentrations, as well as the ratio of vicilin + convicilin: Legumin concentrations were positively correlated with extractability. Our data suggest that the higher level of vicilin and/or a lower level of legumin have a positive influence on protein extractability. The emulsion activity index (EAI) was strongly and positively correlated with the solubility, while no significant correlation was found between emulsion stability (ESI) and solubility, nor between foaming properties and solubility. No association was evident between ESI and EAI. A moderate positive correlation between emulsion stability and foam capacity was observed. Proteins from the investigated genotypes expressed significantly different emulsifying properties and foam capacity at different pH values, whereas low foam stability was detected. It appears that genotype has considerable influence on content, composition and OPEN ACCESS technological-functional properties of pea bean proteins. This fact can be very useful for food scientists in efforts to improve the quality of peas and pea protein products.
BMC research notes, 2016
In pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.), the presence of the Def locus determines abscission event between its funicle and the seed coat. Cell wall remodeling is a necessary condition for abscission of pea seed. The changes in cell wall components in wild type (WT) pea seed with Def loci showing seed abscission and in abscission less def mutant peas were studied to identify the factors determining abscission and non-abscission event. Changes in pectic polysaccharides components were investigated in WT and def mutant pea seeds using immunolabeling techniques. Pectic monoclonal antibodies (1 → 4)-β-D-galactan (LM5), (1 → 5)-α-L-arabinan(LM6), partially de-methyl esterified homogalacturonan (HG) (JIM5) and methyl esterified HG (JIM7) were used for this study. Prior to abscission zone (AZ) development, galactan and arabinan reduced in the predestined AZ of the pea seed and disappeared during the abscission process. The AZ cells had partially de-methyl esterified HG while other areas had highly ...
PeerJ, 2019
Background. Seed germination is one of the earliest key events in the plant life cycle. The timing of transition from seed to seedling is an important developmental stage determining the survival of individuals that influences the status of populations and species. Because of wide geographical distribution and occurrence in diverse habitats, wild pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius) offers an excellent model to study physical type of seed dormancy in an ecological context. This study addresses the gap in knowledge of association between the seed dormancy, seed properties and environmental factors, experimentally testing oscillating temperature as dormancy release clue. Methods. Seeds of 97 pea accessions were subjected to two germination treatments (oscillating temperatures of 25/15 • C and 35/15 • C) over 28 days. Germination pattern was described using B-spline coefficients that aggregate both final germination and germination speed. Relationships between germination pattern and environmental conditions at the site of origin (soil and bioclimatic variables extracted from World-Clim 2.0 and SoilGrids databases) were studied using principal component analysis, redundancy analysis and ecological niche modelling. Seeds were analyzed for the seed coat thickness, seed morphology, weight and content of proanthocyanidins (PA). Results. Seed total germination ranged from 0% to 100%. Cluster analysis of germination patterns of seeds under two temperature treatments differentiated the accessions into three groups: (1) non-dormant (28 accessions, mean germination of 92%), (2) dormant at both treatments (29 acc., 15%) and (3) responsive to increasing temperature range (41 acc., with germination change from 15 to 80%). Seed coat thickness differed between groups with dormant and responsive accessions having thicker testa (median 138 and 140 µm) than non-dormant ones (median 84 mm). The total PA content showed to be higher in the seed coat of dormant (mean 2.18 mg g −1) than those of non-dormant (mean 1.77 mg g −1) and responsive accessions (mean 1.87 mg g −1). Each soil and bioclimatic variable and also germination responsivity (representing
Journal of Proteome Research, 2010
Legume pods serve important functions during seed development and are themselves sources of food and feed. Compared to seeds, the metabolism and development of pods are not well-defined. The present characterization of pods from the model legume Lotus japonicus, together with the detailed analyses of the pod and seed proteomes in five developmental stages, paves the way for comparative pathway analysis and provides new metabolic information. Proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and tandem-mass spectrometry. These analyses lead to the identification of 604 pod proteins and 965 seed proteins, including 263 proteins distinguishing the pod. The complete data set is publicly available at, where spots in a reference map are linked to experimental data, such as matched peptides, quantification values, and gene accessions. Identified pod proteins represented enzymes from 85 different metabolic pathways, including storage globulins and a late embryogenesis abundant protein. In contrast to seed maturation, pod maturation was associated with decreasing total protein content, especially proteins involved in protein biosynthesis and photosynthesis. Proteins detected only in pods included three enzymes participating in the urea cycle and four in nitrogen and amino group metabolism, highlighting the importance of nitrogen metabolism during pod development. Additionally, five legume seed proteins previously unassigned in the glutamate metabolism pathway were identified.
Background. Seed germination is one of the earliest key events in the plant life cycle. The timing of transition from seed to seedling is an important developmental stage determining the survival of individuals that influences the status of populations and species. Because of wide geographical distribution and occurrence in diverse habitats, wild pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius) offers an excellent model to study physical type of seed dormancy in an ecological context. This study addresses the gap in knowledge of association between the seed dormancy, seed properties and environmental factors, experimentally testing oscillating temperature as dormancy release clue. Methods. Seeds of 97 pea accessions were subjected to two germination treatments (oscillating temperatures of 25/15 • C and 35/15 • C) over 28 days. Germination pattern was described using B-spline coefficients that aggregate both final germination and germination speed. Relationships between germination pattern and environmental conditions at the site of origin (soil and bioclimatic variables extracted from World-Clim 2.0 and SoilGrids databases) were studied using principal component analysis, redundancy analysis and ecological niche modelling. Seeds were analyzed for the seed coat thickness, seed morphology, weight and content of proanthocyanidins (PA). Results. Seed total germination ranged from 0% to 100%. Cluster analysis of germination patterns of seeds under two temperature treatments differentiated the accessions into three groups: (1) non-dormant (28 accessions, mean germination of 92%), (2) dormant at both treatments (29 acc., 15%) and (3) responsive to increasing temperature range (41 acc., with germination change from 15 to 80%). Seed coat thickness differed between groups with dormant and responsive accessions having thicker testa (median 138 and 140 µm) than non-dormant ones (median 84 mm). The total PA content showed to be higher in the seed coat of dormant (mean 2.18 mg g −1) than those of non-dormant (mean 1.77 mg g −1) and responsive accessions (mean 1.87 mg g −1). Each soil and bioclimatic variable and also germination responsivity (representing
The field pea (Pisum sativum L.) is studied as an important grain legume used in both human and animal feed. DNA markers can contribute to the rapid breeding of novel pea cultivars. This study aimed to identify such molecular markers as the number of days to the beginning of flowering, plant lodging, and stem geometry. Phenotypic measurements were recorded during the field trials. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of soluble carbohydrates (e.g., monosaccharides, sucrose, and raffinose family oligosaccharides) in the pea seeds were performed. A t-test was used to detect the significance of markers associated with each trait. Fifteen markers that were significant for thirteen traits were identified in this analysis. The same markers were identified for verbascose concentration in 2013 and 2014 and stem-wall thickness in 2014 and 2015. Our marker for the number of days to the beginning of flowering (AB141) was 4 cM from the AB64 marker, which was identified as a marker linked to da...
BMC Plant Biology, 2017
Background: Seed dormancy, defined as the incapability of a viable seed to germinate under favourable conditions, is an important trait in nature and agriculture. Despite extensive research on dormancy and germination, many questions about the molecular mechanisms controlling these traits remain unanswered, likely due to its genetic complexity and the large environmental effects which are characteristic of these quantitative traits. To boost research towards revealing mechanisms in the control of seed dormancy and germination we depend on the identification of genes controlling those traits. Methods: We used transcriptome analysis combined with a reverse genetics approach to identify genes that are prominent for dormancy maintenance and germination in imbibed seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. Comparative transcriptomics analysis was employed on freshly harvested (dormant) and after-ripened (AR; non-dormant) 24-h imbibed seeds of four different DELAY OF GERMINATION near isogenic lines (DOGNILs) and the Landsberg erecta (Ler) wild type with varying levels of primary dormancy. T-DNA knockout lines of the identified genes were phenotypically investigated for their effect on dormancy and AR. Results: We identified conserved sets of 46 and 25 genes which displayed higher expression in seeds of all dormant and all after-ripened DOGNILs and Ler, respectively. Knockout mutants in these genes showed dormancy and germination related phenotypes. Conclusions: Most of the identified genes had not been implicated in seed dormancy or germination. This research will be useful to further decipher the molecular mechanisms by which these important ecological and commercial traits are regulated.
Biologia plantarum, 2007
Total protein patterns were studied in the course of development of pea somatic embryos using simple protocol of direct regeneration from shoot apical meristems on auxin supplemented medium. Protein content and total protein spectra (SDS-PAGE) of somatic embryos in particular developmental stages were analysed in Pisum sativum, P. arvense, P. elatius and P. jomardi. Expression of seed storage proteins in somatic embryos was compared with their accumulation in zygotic embryos of selected developmental stages. Pea vegetative tissues, namely leaf and root, were used as a negative control not expressing typical seed storage proteins. The biosynthesis and accumulation of seed storage proteins was observed during somatic embryo development (since globular stage), despite of the fact that no special maturation treatment was applied. Major storage proteins typical for pea seed (globulins legumin, vicilin, convicilin and their subunits) were detected in somatic embryos. In general, the biosynthesis of storage proteins in somatic embryos was lower as compared to mature dry seed. However, in some cases the cotyledonary somatic embryos exhibited comparatively high expression of vicilin, convicilin and pea seed lectin, which was even higher than those in immature but morphologically fully developed zygotic embryos. Desiccation treatments did not affect the protein content of somatic embryos. The transfer of desiccated somatic embryos on hormone-free germination medium led to progressive storage protein degradation. The expression of true seed storage proteins may serve as an explicit marker of somatic embryogenesis pathway of regeneration as well as a measure of maturation degree of somatic embryos in pea.
International journal of molecular sciences, 2017
For successful molecular breeding it is important to identify targets to the gene family level, and in the specific species of interest, in this case Pisum sativum L. The cytokinins have been identified as a key breeding target due to their influence on plant architecture, and on seed size and sink activity. We focused on the cytokinin biosynthetic gene family (the IPTs) and the gene family key to the destruction of cytokinins (the CKXs), as well as other gene families potentially affected by changing cytokinin levels. These included key meristem genes (WUS and BAM1) and the transporter gene families, sucrose transporters (SUTs) and amino acid permeases (AAPs). We used reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) to monitor gene expression in the vegetative meristem and in pre- and post-fertilisation young pea fruits. PsWUS expression was specific to the shoot apical meristem while PsBAM1 was highly expressed in the shoot apical meristem (SAM) but was also expressed at a low lev...
Modern concepts & developments in agronomy, 2021
Pea is a cool-season grain legume belongs to Leguminosae family (Genus: Pisum, subfamily: Faboideae tribe: Fabeae). It is cultivated worldwide for both grains and vegetables with differences in morphology and nutritional status [5]. It is a self-pollinated diploid species (2n=2x =14) and its genome size (4300Mb) is 10 times larger than the model species Medicago
BMC Genomics, 2015
Background: Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a cool-season grain legume that is cultivated worldwide for both human consumption and stock-feed purposes. Enhancement of genetic and genomic resources for field pea will permit improved understanding of the control of traits relevant to crop productivity and quality. Advances in second-generation sequencing and associated bioinformatics analysis now provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of such resources. The objective of this study was to perform transcriptome sequencing and characterisation from two genotypes of field pea that differ in terms of seed and plant morphological characteristics. Results: Transcriptome sequencing was performed with RNA templates from multiple tissues of the field pea genotypes Kaspa and Parafield. Tissue samples were collected at various growth stages, and a total of 23 cDNA libraries were sequenced using Illumina high-throughput sequencing platforms. A total of 407 and 352 million paired-end reads from the Kaspa and Parafield transcriptomes, respectively were assembled into 129,282 and 149,272 contigs, which were filtered on the basis of known gene annotations, presence of open reading frames (ORFs), reciprocal matches and degree of coverage. Totals of 126,335 contigs from Kaspa and 145,730 from Parafield were subsequently selected as the reference set. Reciprocal sequence analysis revealed that c. 87 % of contigs were expressed in both cultivars, while a small proportion were unique to each genotype. Reads from different libraries were aligned to the genotype-specific assemblies in order to identify and characterise expression of contigs on a tissue-specific basis, of which 87 % were expressed in more than one tissue, while others showed distinct expression patterns in specific tissues, providing unique transcriptome signatures. Conclusion: This study provided a comprehensive assembled and annotated transcriptome set for field pea that can be used for development of genetic markers, in order to assess genetic diversity, construct linkage maps, perform trait-dissection and implement whole-genome selection strategies in varietal improvement programs, as well to identify target genes for genetic modification approaches on the basis of annotation and expression analysis. In addition, the reference field pea transcriptome will prove highly valuable for comparative genomics studies and construction of a finalised genome sequence.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009
BACKGROUND: Early seedling development is a critical step in the establishment of subclover (Trifolium subterraneum), an economically important and widespread pasture legume. In this study the seed storage proteome of this non-model species was characterised in mature dry seeds and during imbibition by using two-dimensional electrophoresis coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: The phenol-extracted proteome of subclover dry seeds consisted of 97 polypeptide spots displayed within a window of pI 3-10 and molecular mass 10-150 kDa. De novo sequencing coupled with MS BLAST search enabled the confident identification of 61 proteins, which corresponded to 59 7S vicilin-and two 11S legumin-type globulins. The experimental mobility of vicilin isoforms along with peptide mapping indicated that low-molecular-mass polypeptides might account for the post-translational proteolysis of small vicilin subunits according to the model described for those of pea. Analysis of quantitative changes in the seed storage proteome upon imbibition showed that vicilin catabolism according to a site-specific process was favoured during early seedling growth in T. subterraneum. CONCLUSION: The establishment of a seed proteome map for T. subterraneum pointed to vicilins as dominant proteins in mature seeds whose catabolism features during early seedling growth may be of relevance under environmental conditions.
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