Estimating nature of atmosphere Using Data Mining Technique

2019, zakir ullah

Weather analysis show its dynamic role in weather estimations and it become one of the most challengeable problems both technically and technologically all over the world from the last century to find the Meteorological conditions of atmosphere is one of the best and more helpful applications of data mining knowledge to estimate the state of atmosphere for a coming time and a given position as regards hot, cool, dryness, wind, rain and many more. This review importance some of the data mining methods for the evaluation of future weather. Classification algorithms such as Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Networks and K-nearest neighbor can be used to predict upcoming by applied on the different limitations of weather. Prediction of weather must be accurate and also the weather should be forecasted former will be helpful for many applications like agriculture, air traffic, military and so on. It too much hard to find out the correct and accurate nature of the atmosphere that the people make their self-according to weather the metrological conditions of the atmosphere is play a big role in human life the human prepare their self for upcoming nature of the atmosphere