JUrnal Skripsi Mahruroji (indo).doc


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of nasyid art education on the formation of morality of students in Pondok Pesantren Darul Ihsan Cimanuk Pandeglang Banten. This research was conducted in Pondok Pesantren Darul Ihsan Cimanuk Pandeglang Banten. This research involves a population of 150 students, while the sample 20% of the total population, which amounted to 30 students, by way of Random Sampling. The techniques used are observation, questionnaire, and interview with the Chief of Pondok and some asatidz / guru, with Correlation methodology, and then analyzed by logic and statistic approach. The result of analysis shows that the moral value of santri through the mean quantitative observation 61.3 and the calculation result of coefficient termination is obtained 85,08% which influence to the formation of santri character of PondokPesantrenDarulIhsan, thus 14,92% other factor. It was concluded that the education of nasyid art influenced the formation of santri morality.