Het exces in het luisteren: Performativiteit van geluid in theater

2007, (Transl.) The Excess in Listening: Performativity of Sound in Theatre


Taking The Wooster Group's To You, The Birdie! (Phedre) as a departure point, Pieter Verstraete investigates the performativity of sound in theatre in terms of its acousmatic potential to create an inner theatre. Through The Wooster Group's La Didone, he demonstrates how performativity of sound feeds from both an excess and a most compelling invitation in listening to respond through a plethora of listening modes. The Wooster Group's performances, however, incite for a global perception or 'evenly hovering attention' (Barthes' panic listening), which draws the listener's acoustic gaze to a point that potentially escapes the cogito, where new meanings could emerge.