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2018, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematic
10 pages
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In this research paper, AES based framework which is useful and secured is proposed for evaluating individual records that put away at the untrusted server. The gadget guarantees to that of certainties which is respectability and accessibility. The gadget bolsters open reviewing with the guide of using TPA and privateers holding by a method for not releasing the data to TPA amid trustworthiness check system. Through regular respectability checking, the machine guarantees records ownership at a remote server. Overcloud information security is a standout amongst that primary issue of information capacity. Customer store information clinched alongside cloud, erase neighborhood duplicates of information Also entirely rely on upon cloud server for safety Furthermore maintenance. For guaranteeing customer information auditing may be fundamental. On the beat, this issue of information security propelled encryption Standard (AES) based capacity may be presented. Merkle hash tree may be utilized for Confirmation of record Also integument confirmation. Recuperation framework will be given at whatever point the information is passing or at whatever point those documents may be saved in server side is defiled.
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2016
As the information created by the ventures that should be put away and used (e.g. messages, individual wellbeing records, photograph collections, charge reports, budgetary exchanges and so on) is quickly expanding information proprietors are inspired to outsourced their nearby complex information administration frameworks into the cloud for its extraordinary adaptability and monetary reserve funds. Distributed storage permits shoppers and organizations to utilize the application without establishment and access their own records at any PC with web access. In distributed storage, the information will be put away given by cloud administration suppliers (CSPs). Cloud administration suppliers must have a reasonable approach to ensure their customers information. In any case, in information security assurance and information recovery control is most testing exploration work in distributed computing. This paper basically concentrates on center secured distributed storage administrations i.e by encrypting the information it can store the data in securely.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2018 In this paper we purpose a secure cloud storage system to ensure the protection of organizations data from both the cloud provider and the third party auditor and from some users who take advantage of the old accounts to access the data stored on the cloud. The proposed system enhances the authentication level of security by using two authentication techniques; Time-based One Time Password (TOTP) for cloud users verification and Automatic Blocker Protocol (ABP) to fully protect the system from unauthorized third party auditor .Cloud storages in cloud data centers can be useful for enterprises and individuals to store and access their data remotely anywhere anytime without any additional burden. By data outsourcing, users can be relieved from the burden of local data storage and maintenance. However, the major problem of cloud data storage is security. Moreover, cloud users must be able to use the cloud storage just like the local storage, without worrying about the need to verify the data integrity and data consistency. Some researchers have been conducted with the aid of Third Party Auditor (TPA) to verify the data stored in the cloud and be sure that it is not tampered. However, the TPA is leased by the provider and after a time cloud service provider may contract with the TP A to conceal the loss of data from the user to prevent the defamation.
Cloud Computing refers to the many different types of services and applications being delivered in the internet cloud, and the fact that, in many cases, the devices used to access these services and applications do not require any special applications. Cloud Computing has been moves the application software and databases to the centralized large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This brings the problem of ensuring the integrity of data storage in Cloud. Cloud computing share distributed resources via network in the open environment thus it makes security problem. we consider the task of allowing a third party auditor (TPA), on behalf of the cloud client, to verify the integrity of the dynamic data stored in the cloud. The introduction of TPA eliminates the involvement of the client through the auditing of whether his data stored in the cloud are indeed intact, which can be important in achieving economies of scale for Cloud Computing. The support for data dynamics via the most general forms of data operation, such as block modification, insertion, and deletion, is also a significant step toward practicality, since services in Cloud Computing are not limited to archive or backup data only. While prior works on ensuring remote data integrity often lacks the support of either public auditability or dynamic data operations, this paper achieves both. We first identify the difficulties and potential security problems of direct extensions with fully dynamic data updates from prior works and then show how to construct an elegant verification scheme for the seamless integration of these two salient features in our protocol design. In particular, to achieve efficient data dynamics, we improve the existing proof of storage models by manipulating the classic Merkle Hash Tree construction for block tag authentication.
World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering, 2019
This present research paper proposes the security is frequently referred to as a standout among the most unlimited issues in the cloud processing as distributed computing gives a helpful and huge measure of capacity information at extremely low and effective expense so searching for a legitimate wellbeing measures is basic. It is contended that the Cloud is proposed to deal with a lot of information, along these lines aggressors can be search for taking out the information as it includes different data's being put away. A many customers are surfing cloud for diverse purposes hence they need profoundly protected & persevering administrations. The developing of cloud is growing day by day which utilizes the additional level of protection and validation. We propose a basic information assurance model where information is encoded utilizing MD5 with RSA and Authenticated by Diffie-Hellman calculation prior to it is propelled in the cloud, therefore guaranteeing data privacy and security.
Nowadays storage of data is big problem because the huge generation of multimedia data likes images, audio, video etc. whose size is very large. For storing of these data size of conventional storage is not sufficient so we need remote storage such as cloud which is resilient infrastructure, reliable and high quality performance for the cloud users. In the cloud there is no direct physical control over the records because the cloud uses its resource pool for storing. Consequently data reliability fortification and auditing is not a modest task. The user prerequisites to depend on a Third Party Auditor (TPA) who is working as a public auditor for authenticating the data integrity and privacy. This paper presents the various auditing techniques of cloud computing for improving security and then future research challenges which need to be adopt by researchers to make system obvious.
Journal 4 Research - J4R Journal, 2017
With growing awareness and concerns regarding to cloud computing and information security, there is a growing awareness and usage of security algorithms into data systems and processes. Confidentiality means the data is understandable to the receiver only for all others it would be waste; it helps in preventing the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information. Integrity means data received by receiver should be in the same form, the sender sends it; integrity helps in preventing modification from unauthorized user. Availability refers to assurance that user has access to information anytime and to any network. In the cloud confidentiality is obtained by cryptography. Cryptography is technique of converting data into unreadable form during storage and transmission, so that it appears waste to intruders. In the cloud integrity can be checked using a message authentication code (MAC) algorithm. Also by the help of calculating the hashing value. But both methods are not practically possible for large amount of data. Here symmetric algorithms (like IDEA, Blowfish, and DES) and asymmetric algorithms (like RSA, Homomorphic) are used for cloud based services that require data encryption. While sending data and during storage data is under threat because any unauthorized user can access it, modify it, so there is need to secure data. Any data is secure, if it fulfills three conditions i.e., Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. There is a need to find a way to check data integrity while saving bandwidth and computation power. Remote data auditing, by which the data integrity or correctness of remotely stored data is investigated, has been given more attention recently.
In cloud computing, the core design principle is energetic scalability, which assurance cloud storage service to hold rising amounts of application information in a flexible way or to be eagerly enlarged. As cloud service providers are separate administrative entities, data outsourcing in fact relinquish owner's eventual control above fate of their information. To completely make sure data security as well as accumulate data owners' computation assets, we put forward to facilitate publicly auditable cloud storage services, where data owners can way out to an external third party auditor to confirm outsourced information when essential. By integrating numerous private as well as public cloud services, hybrid clouds can efficiently make available energetic scalability of service as well as data migration. To resolve the difficulty of data integrity checking, numerous schemes are projected under different systems as well as security representations. Public auditing can be prova...
Cloud computing is the most envisioned paradigm shift in the computing world. Its services are being applied in several IT scenarios. This unique platform has brought new security issues to contemplate. This paper proposes a homomorphic encryption scheme based on the Elliptic curve cryptography. It implements a provable data possession scheme to support dynamic operation on data. The application of proof of retrievability scheme provisioned the client to challenge integrity of the data stored. The notion of a third party auditor (TPA) is considered, who verifies and modifies the data on behalf of the client. Data storage at the server is done using a Merkle hash tree (MHT) accomplishing faster data access. This proffered scheme not only checks the data storage correctness but also identifies misbehaving servers. The initial results demonstrate its effectiveness as an improved security system for data storage compared to the existing ones in most prospects.
Cloud computing is an evolving domain that provides many on-demand services that are used by many businesses on daily basis. Massive growth in cloud storage results in new data centers which are hosted by a large number of servers. As number of data centers increases enormous amount of energy consumption also increases. Now cloud service providers are looking for environmental friendly alternatives to reduce energy consumption. Data storage requires huge amount of resources and management. Due to increasing amount of demand for data storage new frameworks needed to store and manage data at a low cost. Also to prevent data from unauthorized access cloud service provider must provide data access control. Data access control is an effective way to ensure data storage security within cloud. For data storage cost minimization we are using DCT compression technique to ensure data compression without compromising the quality of the data. For data access control and security asymmetric cryptographic algorithm RSA is used. For data auditing we have used MD5 with RSA to generate digital signatures, In proposed work we tried to cover all attributes in terms of efficiency, performance and security in cloud computing.
In recent, Cloud computing is booming technology and the major service provided by the cloud is storage as service. Thus more data are stored and managed in cloud, thereby the problem raises on dense data maintenance and management. Since the cloud storage service is fully untrustworthy, it raises security anxietieson how to realize data deduplication in cloud while achieving integrity auditing. In this paper, we mainly focus on the problem of integrity auditing and secure deduplication on cloud storage data. Thus this problem is audited by the solution of two secure systems, namely SecCloud and SecCloud+. The SecCloud includes three protocols file uploading protocol, integrity auditing protocol and proof of ownership protocol and the SecCloud+ follows the same three protocols as with SecCloud. The only difference the file uploading protocol in SecCloud+ requires an additional phase for communication between cloud client and storage server to get the convergent key for encrypting the uploading file before the phase 2 in SecCloud.
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International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
International Journal of Engineering & Technology
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, 2016
2014 International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Computational Engineering (ICECCE), 2014
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012