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GIACOMO QUARENGHI, CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS AND RELIEFS: THE KITCHEN RUIN IN THE PARK AT TSARSKOE SELO (III) Following on from two previous articles, in which the author looked at the conceptual origins, chronology and use of Classical sculpture in the Kitchen Ruin pavilion by Giacomo Quarenghi in the park at Tsarskoe Selo, this article analyses the composition of the architectural façades and the genuine Ancient Roman marble details they incorporate. The author identifies the type, characteristics and date of the fragments (first to third centuries AD), most of them presumably deriving from some kind of funerary building. They are not simply set into the wall but form functional elements of the structure – bearing, borne or filling the space. For anyone familiar with Ancient Roman architecture, the Kitchen Ruin – an imitation of Classical architecture – is convincing because of the consistency and harmony with which the elements are used. These architectural elements came from a number of sources: acquisitions made in Rome by Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, which then entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg; objects brought back by the Russian fleet after the Russo-Turkish war in the Mediterranean; the Lyde Browne collection. IN RUSSIAN
EcoSoEn nr. 3, 2018
The paper reveals the features of import substitution and localization as one of the tools of import substitution, their role in such domestic industries as retail and the automotive industry.A comparison occurred between the approved formula for calculating localization and a formula that allows for inventory. Based on the results of the study, there was active tendency of the development of the policy of import substitution in various sectors of Russia, and a positive dynamics of financial indicators within the framework of the proposed formula. It consists in reducing costs and increasing profitability, stimulating import substitution policies, the tendency of the development of the policy of import substitution in various sectors of Russia.
In the book, all social block: the philosophy of history, politics, management, religion- atheism, science, interethnic relations, etc. For the purposes of The sociological research has developed a philosophical method and philosophical logic. The author examines the topic as a whole, without putting forward an idea-fix, avoiding moralization. The monograph does not have any ideological hue. Seeking to avoid the reproduction of common truths, the author refused the general educational character of the narrative, but offers completely original solutions to the topics discussed. At the same time, in the problematics and argumentation of their judgments is emphasized on the achievements of world science not only of public direction, but also physics, astronomy, mathematics, logic, psychology, Biology, linguistics, cybernetics, etc. This work is difficult to draw under any of the known schools or directions. Neither classicism nor neoclassicism; nor modernism ... but a particle of negation is not necessary. Will not succeed To avoid, perhaps, the stigma of " postmodernism, " under which understand everything that was not before. We do not set ourselves the task nor imitate any philosophical school, nor be different from it, which is essentially the same thing. Such detachment is due to the fact that philosopher examines social phenomena directly , without attaching dominant critique of existing theories, with one parties, and not expressing personal preferences for a specific, practical issues - on the other. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the subject of the book lies in the side from "eternal questions". On the contrary, the work emphasizes attention at the junctions and contradictions of various scientific directions, demonstrating a certain truth: the majority traditional questions there can be no answers, because themselves issues are traditionally meaningless, which, in turn, implies raising new questions . KEYWORDS : the philosophical method, the philosophy of logic, philosophy of history, philosophy of politics, economic philosophy, philosophy of science, metaphilosophy, ontology, epistemology, religion, atheism, ethics, village, socialism, denotat, designatum, paradoxes, causality, randomness, structure, prognostication, utopianism, ideology, raiding, racketeering.
2 Бобомуродов Ш., Мухторов З. Дар мавриди истифодаи маводи фарҳанг ба манбаъ ишора шавад. УДК: 811.21/22(03) ББК: 81 Б -72 М -92 Бобомуродов Ш., Мухторов З. Фарњанги истилоњоти забоншиносї. -Душанбе, 2016. -428 с. Мухаррир: доктори илмњои филология, профессор Сабзаев С. Муќарризон: Камолиддинов Б. -доктори илмҳои филология, профессор Хољаев Давлатбек -доктори илмҳои филология, профессор Қосимов О.Њ.доктори илмҳои филология
Введение Введение Цель и задачи исследования Миграция, вызванная различными причинами, предпринятая на различные расстояния, в различные периоды истории, сама по себе представляет собой универсальный феномен мировой истории. В среднеазиатском, да и в мировом аспекте вопросы миграции (переселения) народов являются, пожалуй, ключевыми и наименее исследованными. Достаточно упомянуть арийские, тюркские, гуннские и другие великие миграции. Они имели последствия поистине планетарного масштаба, изменив кардинально общество и окружающую среду. В этом плане, предмет настоящего исследованияа именно среднеазиатская эмиграция ХХ века остается слабо известным феноменом мировой истории. Историческая судьба народов Средней Азии сложилась так, что территории, на которых они проживают, оказались в государствах с различной, порой противоположной политической ориентациейреспубликах бывшего СССР, Афганистане, Иране, Китае, Пакистане. Для многих наших соотечественников-Афганистан, Западный Китай, северо-восточный Иран места их традиционного проживания, их родина. При этом, только в пяти независимых государствах Средней (или как ее стали называть-Центральной) Азии-Казахстане, Таджикистане, Узбекистане, Туркменистане и Киргизстане в ранний период Советской власти народы региона стали государствообразующими (титульными). Если считать Таджикистан родиной всех таджиков, Узбекистанродиной узбеков, Киргизстанкиргизов и так далее, то среднеазиатов, проживающих за пределами соответствующих им титульных стран, можно назвать ирредентой (невоссоединенной нацией) 1. К ирреденте могут быть отнесены таджики, проживающие вне Таджикистанав Узбекистане, Афганистане, Китае, а также узбеки Афганистана и Таджикистана, киргизы, казахи
Rukunegara as a reflection of the national idea (ideology) in Malaysia
V.A. Pogadaev. Rukunegara as a reflection of the national idea (ideology) in Malaysia The article deals with the functioning of the national idea in Malaysia, represented by ideologyRukunegara. It is noted that it reflects mostly the primacy of the interests of the indigenous Malays community. At the same time, it could be considered as a kind of social contract or a compromise that allows peaceful coexistence of all national communities with the special status of Malays as Muslims and representatives of indigenous population. This brings the opportunity to avoid any serious racial unrest like the clashes of 1969.
The abstract presented is a part of my unpublished book "Encyclopedia of Mountain Altai Place-Names". It is called in English "A General survey of ancient and medieval maps employed in writing Encyclopedia of Mountain Altai Place-Names".
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Актуальные проблемы профилактики аддиктивного поведения, 2019
Наук. зап. Терноп. нац. пед. ун-ту. Сер. Біол., 2015, № 1 (62)
Ўзбек адабиётшунослигининг долзарб масалалари. Академик Наим Фотиҳович Каримовнинг 90 йиллигига бағишланган мавзусидаги халқаро илмий-амалий анжуман МАТЕРИАЛЛАРИ. – Тошкент, 2022
Shaykh al-Tantawi and his "Traite de la langue arabe vulgare", 2018