Quarenghi III.pdf



GIACOMO QUARENGHI, CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS AND RELIEFS: THE KITCHEN RUIN IN THE PARK AT TSARSKOE SELO (III) Following on from two previous articles, in which the author looked at the conceptual origins, chronology and use of Classical sculpture in the Kitchen Ruin pavilion by Giacomo Quarenghi in the park at Tsarskoe Selo, this article analyses the composition of the architectural façades and the genuine Ancient Roman marble details they incorporate. The author identifies the type, characteristics and date of the fragments (first to third centuries AD), most of them presumably deriving from some kind of funerary building. They are not simply set into the wall but form functional elements of the structure – bearing, borne or filling the space. For anyone familiar with Ancient Roman architecture, the Kitchen Ruin – an imitation of Classical architecture – is convincing because of the consistency and harmony with which the elements are used. These architectural elements came from a number of sources: acquisitions made in Rome by Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, which then entered the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg; objects brought back by the Russian fleet after the Russo-Turkish war in the Mediterranean; the Lyde Browne collection. IN RUSSIAN