Evaluation-of Traffic Flow and Traffic Network Management.pdf

Amman city, the capital of Jordan has suffered from the impacts of highway mode of transportation. Traffic network management system aim to reduce traffic congestion, delay, fuel consumption, and air and noise pollution. Also, to improve the level of service (LOS) of the urban streets and intersections. This research paper is an engineering project management study; it is about improving traffic network management system in Al Shmesani district in Amman. It was conducted on a network of two main arterials with eight signalized intersections. They are Al Kindi street continued with Prince Shaker Bin Zaid street and Al Sharif Naser Bin Jamel street. The traffic data was collected from the government records at several departments in Amman Municipality and Directorate of Public Security. Highway Capacity Software HCS2000 and updated Synchro-8 programs software were used to evaluate the traffic conditions at each intersection for years 2012 and 2022. The evaluation shows that the intersections are operating at LOS F with high delay time and high saturation flow. Two alternatives were used to improve the traffic conditions. The first one is to change the existing timing plan of the traffic signal to optimize timing plan, this showed little improvement in traffic condition. The second alternatives are to modify the geometric conditions with changing and optimizing the timing plan of the signalized intersections. It showed good improving in the traffic conditions and saving in delay time and fuel consumption at the existing and the future conditions. The Level of Service LOS's of the intersections were improved from LOS F to LOS C, D and E. It showed also the average overall saving in vehicle delay is about 87.75% and the saturation flow is improved at all intersections to less than one. The fuel consumption is also reduced with about 93%.