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В статье рассматриваются противоречия между основными разделами в современной физической картине мира. Показано, что пространство и время в унитарной квантовой теории (УКТ) совершенно не связаны, как это имеет место в специальной теории относительности и в УКТ время снова становится ньютоновским, а возрастание массы частицы со скоростью следует из совершенно других физических соображений. Современная теория гравитации (общая теория относительности), в отличие от квантовой теории, совершенно не подтверждается экспериментами и требует значительных изменений.
Abstract: Kosovo Constitutional Court was one of the most engaged institutions whose decisions had a very big political and social impact. Its decisions covered various fields of Kosovo life, whereas some of them became subject of very many discussions in political and academic life of Kosovo. Two times Kosovo Presidents were removed from their positions by the decisions of Kosovo Constitutional Court, while the definition of the parliamentary majority continues to be criticized as politically very influenced decision. Author with this paper using the combined methodology with the methods of: political analysis, systemic analysis, historical analysis, legal analysis, comparison, etc., will describe the legal basis of court decision and the court work and will make an analysis of some of the most discussed decision which had a political and social impact in Kosovo. Conclusions and recommendations are expected to serve the further debate regarding courts and the nature of its decisions. Keywords: court, constitutional, decision, nature, legal.
In the book, all social block: the philosophy of history, politics, management, religion- atheism, science, interethnic relations, etc. For the purposes of The sociological research has developed a philosophical method and philosophical logic. The author examines the topic as a whole, without putting forward an idea-fix, avoiding moralization. The monograph does not have any ideological hue. Seeking to avoid the reproduction of common truths, the author refused the general educational character of the narrative, but offers completely original solutions to the topics discussed. At the same time, in the problematics and argumentation of their judgments is emphasized on the achievements of world science not only of public direction, but also physics, astronomy, mathematics, logic, psychology, Biology, linguistics, cybernetics, etc. This work is difficult to draw under any of the known schools or directions. Neither classicism nor neoclassicism; nor modernism ... but a particle of negation is not necessary. Will not succeed To avoid, perhaps, the stigma of " postmodernism, " under which understand everything that was not before. We do not set ourselves the task nor imitate any philosophical school, nor be different from it, which is essentially the same thing. Such detachment is due to the fact that philosopher examines social phenomena directly , without attaching dominant critique of existing theories, with one parties, and not expressing personal preferences for a specific, practical issues - on the other. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the subject of the book lies in the side from "eternal questions". On the contrary, the work emphasizes attention at the junctions and contradictions of various scientific directions, demonstrating a certain truth: the majority traditional questions there can be no answers, because themselves issues are traditionally meaningless, which, in turn, implies raising new questions . KEYWORDS : the philosophical method, the philosophy of logic, philosophy of history, philosophy of politics, economic philosophy, philosophy of science, metaphilosophy, ontology, epistemology, religion, atheism, ethics, village, socialism, denotat, designatum, paradoxes, causality, randomness, structure, prognostication, utopianism, ideology, raiding, racketeering.
Александър Шапошников, Институт за руски език към РАН, Москва, Русия – Историческая топонимия провинции Родопа. Этимологические и лингвострановедческие аспекты (Историческа топонимия на провинция Родопа. Етимологически и лингвистични аспекти) // МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ Състояние, проблеми и тенденции в развитието на ономастиката и ономастичните проучвания в началото на III-то хилядолетие 4–5 ноември 2016 г. Велико Търново
У збірник увійшли тези доповідей вчених у галузі психології, докторантів, аспірантів, здобувачів Одеського національного університету імені І.І.Мечникова, провідних ВНЗ України та зарубіжжя, практикуючих психологів та фахівців у сфері психології. Висвітлено актуальні проблеми потенціалу історичної психології як науки, психологічного здоров’я, й ортобіозу людини.
Успехи современной науки 2016, Том 10, №12 114 Шехмагомедов М.Г., младший научный сотрудник, Институт истории, археологии и этнографии, Дагестанский научный центр РАН Статья подготовлена в рамках выполнения исследовательского гранта РГНФ по проекту №15-01-00389 ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ПРОТИВОСТОЯНИЕ ДАГЕСТАНСКИХ БОГОСЛОВОВ В ПЕРВОЙ ТРЕТИ XX В.
international scientific journal “Intersection: education, research, transport, progress”, 2024
Founder of the international scientific journal “Intersection: education, research, transport, progress” – Tashkent State Transport University, 100167, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Temiryo‘lchilar str., 1, office: 496, e-mail: [email protected] The “Intersection: education, research, transport, progress” publishes the most significant results of scientific and applied research carried out in universities of transport profile, as well as other higher educational institutions, research institutes, and centers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries. Tashkent State Transport University had the opportunity to publish the international scientific journal “Intersection: education, research, transport, progress” based on the Certificate No. 512011 of the Information and Mass Communications Agency under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Articles in the journal are published in Uzbek, Russian and English languages.
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Фоллисы Херсона четвертой серии, 2018
Конструиране, стандартизация, надеждност и валидност на психометричен инструмент за измерване на тревожност в българска социо-културна среда, 2019