Trees, Gardens, Bridges, Hives



Humans, like all other organisms on the world, are part of nature. Urban rhetoric versus rural life in contrast to urban life makes us think about the balance, which is the most critical necessity of today's world. The implementation of a fiction that falls within the vital responsibilities of persons as they can enter nature will mobilize the ecological impulses that enable an earth for the vital recipe and sustain the necessary natural balance. Depending on the climate, topography, water regime and soil characteristics, the areas of influence of the plants as separate and communities will be clarified and the relation of the animals to the knowledge of plant communities directly or indirectly in terrestrial or aquatic environment will be described. 'Trees, Gardens, Bridges, Hives’ is a module for Luleburgaz City at Thrace-Ergene basin of Turkey and the module has projected ecologically and architecturally on Tosbaga Creek which is at southeast of the city. As a module for the earth, a habitat constructed by the local knowledge of the specific city that contributes to the earth will spontaneously and naturally emerge with basic architectural knowledge. The project is an idea of ​​both architectural and ecological module for cities. It is located on the border between nature and rural countryside of Luleburgaz City which can be the first city for the earth module.