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2018, The 13th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2018
15 pages
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This review paper describes Blended Learning methodologies and pedagogical approaches which use ITC in the field of electrical and computer engineering education program leading to international accreditation. In this paper, we review also recent ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), IEEE (Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education), and IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education) papers to identify which pedagogical aspects of the instructional process have been published in the focus of this research area. Paper also reflects the experience of Technical University ”Gh. Asachi” from Iasi, Romania, and Menoufia University, Egypt, with this approach applied to Project ECEP (Development and Improvement of Curricula in the field of Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Leading to International Accreditation).
Menoufia University Faculty of Engineering Second International Conference (Tenth Conference of Sustainable Environmental Development) 16-20 March 2019 Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2019
Abstract – The paper is about how to Using Blended Learning Resources in Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs Leading to International Accreditation. OER (Open Educational Resources) and MOOC (Masive Open Online Courses), Virtual Learning Environments (for example moodle) are discussed. Index Terms - Blended learning model for engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Program, ePedagogy, Virtual Learning Environment, International Acreditation, Open Educational Resources. I. INTRODUCTION The article presents the concept of using current pedagogical methods to meet the requirements for the Accreditation of Engineering Education Programs. Based on the analysis of the advantages of teaching model in the network environment, three teaching models based on multimedia and network environment, i.e. the teaching model of giving priority of lecturing, the teaching model of giving priority of independent learning and the teaching model of group learning, are discussed in the article. Processes of: design, development and implementation of interactive educational modules are presented, for the topic of electrical engineering and technology.
Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation, 2020
The article presents a review of the current e-pedagogical methods to develop Electrical and Computer Engineering Education (ECEE) Study Programs using Blended an Learning (BTL). Engineering crucial experimental competences can be developed with the help of remote labs (RLs) and simulations. These online experiments can be found in different engineering fields. Instructional Design (ID) Model is based on the ADDIE model that includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation phases. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) or LCMS (Learning Content Management Systems) are used to refer the on-line interactions for a variety of kinds that take place between students and teachers. Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is known as a Course Management System (CMS).
Menoufia University Faculty of Engineering Second International Conference (Tenth Conference of Sustainable Environmental Development) 16-20 March 2019 Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2019
The paper is about how to Using Blended Learning Resources in Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs Leading to International Accreditation. OER (Open Educational Resources) and MOOC (Masive Open Online Courses), Virtual Learning Environments (for example moodle) are discussed.
In the CRUNT TEMPUS project, epedagogy of using ITC learning environments was used. Elearning inter-university network of Moldova uses a virtual learning environment for training and learning process improvement dedicated to engineering students. The article presents some methodological elements that contributed to the success of TEMPUS CRUNT Project. Several web courses, based on Blended Learning methodology are highlighted. This paper presents elearning instruction materials for engineering undergraduates developed on the Virtual Learning Environment Processes of: design, development and implementation of interactive educational modules are presented, for the topic of electrical engineering and technology. Elearning modules provide student with information examples containing rich multimedia elements: text, glossary, webography, bibliography, knowledge and skills assimilation assessment. The modules are divided into a number of teaching and learning units which can be studied autonomously (or independent). Electrical Engineering and Technology (EET) Discipline model is a new approach to learning electrical technology-one that presents concepts in the customary logically developed order but illustrates them with exemplars that reflect the applications students are interested in. Electrical Engineering Discipline resources are especially for secondary school teachers and students, with topics ranging from introductory to advanced Electrical Engineering and Technology. Teachers will find reliable and quality resources including videos, articles, demonstrations, worksheets, assessments and activities all in one location. Resources are searchable by topic and standards. eLearning Modules are using visualization of electrical engineering concepts. These principles focus on a few specific pedagogical pointers: 1. providing multiple representations and descriptions, 2. making linked referential connections visible, 3. presenting the dynamic and interactive nature of electrical engineering, 4. promoting the transformation between 2D and 3D, and 5. reducing cognitive load by making information explicit and integrating information for students.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Electrotechnical teaching needed the most suitable combination of online and face-to-face on a particular type of learning style. Five groups of the experiment taken by cluster randomized, which had 35, 36, 33, 32 and 30 of participants respectively. The groups were randomly selected to be the control group and the experimental group obtained. The control groups were full online (Group 1), and full face to face (Group 2), and the experimental groups were the online and face to face compound in 25:75 (Group 3), 50:50 (group 4), and 75:25 (Group 5). The Learning Style type grouping was based on the Questionnaire student filled and got the activist, theorist, pragmatist, and reflector types were 41, 42, 44, and 39 participants respectively. 2-Way ANOVA, Sig.0.05 analyzed the Electrotechnical Competencies data, in testing the various blended learning and learning style type effects on electrotechnical competence. The theorist and pragmatist group were found better learned by the same composition of online and face to face, while the activist and reflector style were by the 75-25 and 25-75 of OL-F2F composition respectively. It concluded that It was important to consider the learning style in using blended learning.
Blended learning is a popular method that is used to enhance education process. It is a learning model and approach that combines different educational technologies and techniques to ensure better teachinglearning experiences. A typical blended learning model could include any type of educational technology and face-to-face education. But nowadays, it is generally associated with combining face-to-face education and elearning activities. This paper describes the use of the blended learning approach in the courses given for computer engineering students at the Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey. The model is realized as a form of face-to-face education and e-learning activities performed using the University's learning management system (LMS) named @KU-UZEM. The LMS is totally a product of the Afyon Kocatepe University and consists of many educational tools in accordance with SCORM standards. The provided educational tools are used mostly for preparing or viewing course topics, communicating with online users, preparing homework studies and evaluating each student's learning performance on the system. Due to rapid improvements in specific technologies, standards of the humankind's modern life are also changed to ensure desired harmony among different fields of life. Nowadays, especially information and communication technologies take an important role on maintaining this mechanism. In this sense, effects of these technologies are observed in many different fields, which are related to humankind's modern life. Education is one of these fields and it has been obviously connected with information and communication technologies since the inception of these technologies .
In the CRUNT TEMPUS project, e-pedagogy of using ITC learning environments was used. Elearning inter-university network of Moldova uses a virtual learning environment for training and learning process improvement dedicated to engineering students. The article presents some methodological elements that contributed to the success of TEMPUS CRUNT Project. Several web courses, based on Blended Learning methodology are highlighted. This paper presents elearning instruction materials for engineering undergraduates developed on the Virtual Learning Environment Electrical Engineering and Technology (EET) Discipline model is a new approach to learning electrical technology-one that presents concepts in the customary logically developed order but illustrates them with exemplars that reflect the applications students are interested in. Electrical Engineering Discipline resources are especially for secondary school teachers and students, with topics ranging from introductory to advanced Electrical Engineering and Technology. Teachers will find reliable and quality resources including videos, articles, demonstrations, worksheets, assessments and activities all in one location. Resources are searchable by topic and standards. eLearning Modules are using visualization of electrical engineering concepts.
In the CRUNT TEMPUS project, e-pedagogy of using ITC learning environments was used. Elearning inter-university network of Moldova uses a virtual learning environment for training and learning process improvement dedicated to engineering students. The article presents some methodological elements that contributed to the success of TEMPUS CRUNT Project. Several web courses, based on Blended Learning methodology are highlighted. This paper presents elearning instruction materials for engineering undergraduates developed on the Virtual Learning Environment Electrical Engineering and Technology (EET) Discipline model is a new approach to learning electrical technology-one that presents concepts in the customary logically developed order but illustrates them with exemplars that reflect the applications students are interested in. Electrical Engineering Discipline resources are especially for secondary school teachers and students, with topics ranging from introductory to advanced Electrical Engineering and Technology. Teachers will find reliable and quality resources including videos, articles, demonstrations, worksheets, assessments and activities all in one location. Resources are searchable by topic and standards. eLearning Modules are using visualization of electrical engineering concepts. Keywords: powers in nonsinusoidal situations, measurement of electric power quantities under sinusoidal, nonsinusoidal, balanced, or unbalanced conditions, harmonic pollution of power systems
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2010
The content of this presentation highlights the importance of an active learning methodology in engineering university degrees in Spain. We present some of the outcomes from an experimental study carried out during the academic years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 with engineering students (Technical Industrial Engineering: Mechanics, Civical Design Engineering: Civical Building, Technical Architecture and Technical Engineering on A.B.G. Rogado et al. Computer Management) at the University of Salamanca. In this research, we select a subject which is common for the four degrees: Computer Science. This study has the aim of contributing to the improvement of education and teaching methods for a better performance of students in engineering.
Proceedings of the 1st South Borneo International Conference on Sport Science and Education (SBICSSE 2019)
This article focuses to describe the effectiveness of blended learning in digital electronics courses. This research is descriptive analysis research. The subjects of this study were 48 students of physics education FKIP Lambung Mangkurat University. The effectiveness of the implementation of blended learning is viewed from the results of student cognitive learning, using learning outcomes tests. Data were analyzed in the following ways, (1) analyzing descriptively from the average results of the learning outcomes test, (2) analyzing by using paired t-test to describe the significance of differences in student learning outcomes, (3) analyzing with n-gain test to find out the level of effectiveness in improving student learning outcomes. The results showed that the average of the pretest was 14.38 and the average of the posttest was 79.22. The sig-2-tailed result from the paired t-test is less than 0.05 so there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest. The N-gain score is 0.76 which means this has a high category. The conclusion is the implementation of blended learning in digital electronics courses is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
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