
2018, Iaeme

Polv mer composites are prominent miterials for numerous industrial applications and they are utilized for bearings, rollers, seals, gears, cams, wheels and clutches. These materials are subjected to wear and much of the research carried out to understand wear behaviour and improvement in the wear resistance. A pin—on-disc setup (Magnum Engineers, Ban galore) was used for wear experiments. The Results of wear properties of vinyl ester-Glass fibre composites by van’ing filler percentages of the chosen fillers Ti02, A ‘203 and MoS2 for study and were presented in the present paper. The main objective is to determine the optimum input parameters, those will give minimum specific wear rate and min imnum wear volume and these are considered as output responses. Effects of input parameters such as, type of filler, percentage of filler, load and sliding distance on the output responses are studied. As per Taguchi orthogonal array of 127, experiments have been conducted on viny! ester/GF miano composites on Pin on Disk apparatus. Experimental anal sis was conducted. The results were chosen based on the choices yielded by the design of experiments and optimized for the better output responses using Taguchi method by plotting inaili effect plots for SN ratio and means. From the plots it is observed that, Titan iumnl oxide fillerwith 7.5% for load of 29.43N at sliding distance of 1059.80m yielded optimum wear resistance and minimum wear volume loss.