Küresel E Ticaret ve Türkiye (JEPBİR).pdf

2018, Ekonomi, İşletme, Siyaset ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi

Globalization has been able to spread rapidly thanks to the telegraph, railway, navigation and steam machines which developed together with the industrial revolution. While globalization had rapidly transformed the world into a single market, it increased the interaction and communication between countries. The technology that gains importance along with the globalization and shows gradually improvement has increased its place and activity in the world economy. While these developments in technology make life easier, they bring information age for mankind. Especially information technologies and internet which are very effective on global e-commerce, has transformed the world economy into a single virtual market. From this point of view, the concept and development of globalization, information technology, internet, electronic commerce concept, features and all its components are covered in this study. In the final analysis Turkey’s position in electronic commerce is being examined.