
Background: Soil salinity is one of the primary causes of yield decline in rice. Pokkali (Pok) is a highly salt-tolerant landrace, whereas IR29 is a salt-sensitive but widely cultivated genotype. Comparative analysis of these genotypes may offer a better understanding of the salinity tolerance mechanisms in rice. Although most stress-responsive genes are regulated at the transcriptional level, in many cases, changes at the transcriptional level are not always accompanied with the changes in protein abundance, which suggests that the transcriptome needs to be studied in conjunction with the proteome to link the phenotype of stress tolerance or sensitivity. Published reports have largely underscored the importance of transcriptional regulation during salt stress in these genotypes, but the regulation at the translational level has been rarely studied. Using RNA-Seq, we simultaneously analyzed the transcriptome and translatome from control and salt-exposed Pok and IR29 seedlings to unravel molecular insights into gene regulatory mechanisms that differ between these genotypes.