
The prediction analysis is the approach which can predict future possibilities based on the current information. The prediction analysis can be done using the technique of classification and neural networks. Every educational institute aims at delivering quality education to their students, to meet this institute must able to evaluate teachers' as well as students' performance so that they can provide appropriate guideline to student and can able to arrange proper training for teachers also. Many researchers have developed systems which able to evaluate students' performance but improving students' performance is not the sufficient to provide quality education as teacher plays an important role in educating student.

Key takeaways

  • Many researchers have developed systems which able to evaluate students" performance but improving students" performance is not the sufficient to provide quality education as teacher plays an important role in educating student.
  • For the prediction of performance at the top of that particular semester, various types of information were collected from the previous information of the students available.
  • There is a detailed focus upon the two important aspects of the performance of students.
  • A new machine learning technique is proposed using which the performance of students in degree programs is predicted.
  • Classification is proposed within the information of student such that on the basis of previously existing information, the division of students can be predicted.