"Instinct and Custom"

2002, Instinct and Custom

A study of St. Thomas Aquinas’s theory of animal perception is needed in order to help us understand how humans think, for both speculative and practical reasoning typically involve many layers of influence of sense and intellect upon each other, and this mutual influence needs to be sorted out. In order to be able to sort out the influence of reason and perception upon each other, we must first identify those properties that belong to human perception apart from any influence by reason. The present study attempts to uncover such properties by looking at those features of perception that seem to be common to brutes and humans. A novel approach is employed in this study inasmuch as it turns not only to those passages in Aquinas’s writings that are concerned with perception as such, but also to his discussions of animal actions and passions. By merging the former, more standard approach with the latter, it obtains a more comprehensive view of perception than could otherwise be obtained.