The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Equity Markets

In this paper, we will analyse the role of brokers, dealers and investment banks in the equity markets. Special attention will be given in analysing the role of financial intermediaries at initial public offerings and secondary offerings, according to the legal framework in Serbia. Serbia, as other transitional economies, has problems in mobilising funds for its stock exchange. Especially local savers do not trust the local financial system, especially the stock exchange. One of the major reasons for this distrust, besides bad experiences in the past, is a lack of knowledge about the functioning of stock exchanges. On the other hand, companies in Serbia often rely on debt-based financial instruments, where they have to pay high interest rates. However, equity financing with partners, especially with many partners is at a very low level. Therefore, we want to analyse the functioning of equity markets by explaining the concept of stocks, public offerings and the role of financial intermediaries in this process.